[ECCV'24] GeoWizard: Unleashing the Diffusion Priors for 3D Geometry Estimation from a Single Image
This is the official implementation of the paper, titled "Analyzing and Improving the Skin Tone Consistency and Bias in Implicit 3D Relightable Face Generators", which is accepted to WACV 2025.
Official Implementations for Paper - MagicQuill: An Intelligent Interactive Image Editing System
PyTorch code for "PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup Transfer" (CVPR 2020 Oral)
[CVPR 2023] Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video
Official Pytorch implementation of 6DRepNet: 6D Rotation representation for unconstrained head pose estimation.
[CVPR 2024] Official repository for "Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians"
Neural Surface reconstruction based on Instant-NGP. Efficient and customizable boilerplate for your research projects. Train NeuS in 10min!
[TOG'23] NeRFFaceLighting: Implicit and Disentangled Face Lighting Representation Leveraging Generative Prior in Neural Radiance Fields
[TOG 2023] HAvatar: High-fidelity Head Avatar via Facial Model ConditionedNeural Radiance Field
Official implementation of "MIMO: Controllable Character Video Synthesis with Spatial Decomposed Modeling"
Gaussian Haircut: Human Hair Reconstruction with Strand-Aligned 3D Gaussians
Inverse Painting: Reconstructing The Painting Process (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024)
Official implementation for the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 paper SPARK: Self-supervised Personalized Real-time Monocular Face Capture
Example code for the FLAME 3D head model. The code demonstrates how to sample 3D heads from the model, fit the model to 3D keypoints and 3D scans.
Official implentation of CVPR 2023 paper GANHead: Towards Generative Animatable Neural Head Avatars.
High-resolution models for human tasks.
[CVPR'24 Oral] Official Pytorch implementation for Semantic Human Mesh Reconstruction with Textures.
[CVPR 2024] High-Quality Facial Geometry and Appearance Capture at Home.
InstantSplat: Sparse-view SfM-free Gaussian Splatting in Seconds
3DGS-Avatar: Animatable Avatars via Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting
68/21 Landmark points for Basel Face Model (3DMM)
[CVPR 2024] Official PyTorch implementation of SuGaR: Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Mesh Reconstruction and High-Quality Mesh Rendering
[NeurIPS D&B Track 2024] Official implementation of HumanVid