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1- Decision Trees

Decision Tree Learner with ID3 Algorithm

Author: Stephen Tse <***>

A decision tree learner that uses mutural information to decide splits.

Data Assumptions

  1. For n columns in csv, column 1 ~ (n-1) are feature values, column n is label values.

  2. All values are categorical.


python <train_input> <test_input> <max_depth> <train_out> <test_out> <metrics_out>
  1. <train_input>: path to the training input .csv file
  2. <test_input>: path to the test input .csv file
  3. <max_depth>: maximum depth to which the tree should be built
  4. <train_out>: path of output .labels file to which the predictions on the training data should be written
  5. <test_out>: path of output .labels file to which the predictions on the test data should be written
  6. <metrics_out>: path of the output .txt file to which metrics such as train and test error should be written



python politicians_train.csv politicians_test.csv 3 train_out.txt test_out.txt metrics.txt

Terminal Output:

[83 democrat / 66 republican]
| Superfund_right_to_sue = n: [55 democrat / 2 republican]
| | Export_south_africa = n: [0 democrat / 1 republican]
| | Export_south_africa = y: [55 democrat / 1 republican]
| | | Immigration = n: [46 democrat / 0 republican]
| | | Immigration = y: [9 democrat / 1 republican]
| Superfund_right_to_sue = y: [28 democrat / 64 republican]
| | Aid_to_nicaraguan_contras = n: [13 democrat / 58 republican]
| | | Export_south_africa = n: [0 democrat / 20 republican]
| | | Export_south_africa = y: [13 democrat / 38 republican]
| | Aid_to_nicaraguan_contras = y: [15 democrat / 6 republican]
| | | Mx_missile = n: [12 democrat / 0 republican]
| | | Mx_missile = y: [3 democrat / 6 republican]

3 files are generated in the root directory: train_out.txt, test_out.txt, and metrics.txt.


The sample dataset included are the 1984 United Stated Congressional Voting Records, classified as Republican or Democrat.

Language & Dependencies

Language: Python 2.7 / 3.6

Dependency Requirements: numpy (version 1.7.1)