Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts related to bagfiles
- Author: Stephan Wirth and Miquel Massot
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: fuerte)
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts related to bagfiles
- Maintainer: Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- Author: Stephan Wirth <stwirth AT uib DOT es>, Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: groovy)
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts related to bagfiles
- Maintainer: Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- Author: Stephan Wirth <stwirth AT uib DOT es>, Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro)
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts related to bagfiles
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- Author: Stephan Wirth <stwirth AT uib DOT es>, Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Package Summary
ROS tools and scripts related to bagfiles
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- Author: Stephan Wirth <stwirth AT uib DOT es>, Miquel Massot <miquel.massot AT uib DOT es>
- License: BSD
Install this package by first cloning and building the srv_tools package, as described on the ROS wiki srv_tools page. Next, install this package to make it available to rosrun.
catkin_make install --pkg bag_tools
Extracts stereo images from a list of bagfiles to a folder. The images extracted are rectified and syncronized.
rosrun bag_tools extract_stereo_images OUT_DIR FILETYPE STEREO_BASE_TOPIC BAGFILE [BAGFILE...]
usage: [-h] -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE -i INPUT_BAGFILE [INPUT_BAGFILE ...] -of OFFSET -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] Shift the publishing time of given topics in input bagfile. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE output bagfile -i INPUT_BAGFILE [INPUT_BAGFILE ...] input bagfile(s) -of OFFSET time offset to add in seconds -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] topic(s) to change
usage: [-h] inbag outbag replacement [replacement ...] Change camera info messages in a bagfile. positional arguments: inbag input bagfile outbag output bagfile replacement replacement in form "TOPIC=CAMERA_INFO_FILE", e.g. /stereo/left/camera_info=my_new_info.yaml optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: [-h] inbag [inbag ...] Checks the delay in a bagfile between publishing (recording) time and the time stamp in the header (if exists). Prints out min, max and mean delays. positional arguments: inbag input bagfile(s) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: [-h] --inbag INBAG [INBAG ...] --outbag OUTBAG --start START --duration DURATION Cuts out a section from an input bagfile and writes it to an output bagfile optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --inbag INBAG [INBAG ...] input bagfile(s) --outbag OUTBAG output bagfile --start START start time --duration DURATION duration of the resulting part
usage: [-h] -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE -i INPUT_BAGFILE Create a new bagfile from an existing one replacing the message time for the header time. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE output bagfile -i INPUT_BAGFILE input bagfile
usage: [-h] -o OFFSET -i BAGFILE [BAGFILE ...] -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] Changes header timestamps using given offset, can change /tf as well. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OFFSET time offset to add in seconds -i BAGFILE [BAGFILE ...] input bagfile(s) -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] topics to change
Parses camera info yaml files and returns the content as sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo.
usage: [-h] -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE -i INPUT_BAGFILE -f FRAME_ID -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] reate a new bagfile from an existing one replacing the frame id of requested topics. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUT_BAGFILE output bagfile -i INPUT_BAGFILE input bagfile -f FRAME_ID desired frame_id name in the topics -t TOPIC [TOPIC ...] topic(s) to change
Publishes a folder full of images as if it was a normal camera topic and it's related camera info topic.
Example Launch File
<launch> <node name="img_pub" pkg="bag_tools" type="" output="screen"> <param name="image_dir" value="/tmp/seq"/> <param name="file_pattern" value="*.png"/> <param name="camera_info_file" value="/tmp/seq/camera_info.yaml"/> <param name="frequency" value="10"/> </node> </launch>
usage: [-h] [--output OUTPUT] [--fps FPS] topic inbag [inbag ...] Creates a video from sensor_msgs/Image messages from a bagfile. This script uses the extract_images binary to extract color images from bagfiles and calls ffmpeg afterwards to combine them together to form a video. Note that ffmpeg must be installed on your system. positional arguments: topic topic of the images to use inbag input bagfile(s) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --output OUTPUT name of the output video. Note that the file ending defines the codec to use. --fps FPS frames per second in the output video, as long as codec supports this