Only released in EOL distros:  

biped_robin_apps: biped_robin_footstep_planner | biped_robin_local_planner | biped_robin_navigation | biped_robin_teleop

Package Summary

This package includes the launch files to drive the bipedRobin by hand with the keyboard or a joystick.


This package provides various nodes to teleoperate the BipedRobin robot by joystick. The use of a PS3 joystick is recommended but also other joysticks can be used after some minor adoptions.



Generates desired velocities for given joystick inputs. If one wants to use different dead man keys or other axis to control the robot this node needs to be adopted

Subscribed Topics

joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)
  • Data from the joystick

Published Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Desired velocity for BipedRobin (x,y, theta)


Generates desired steps for given desired velocity. The area of allowed steps is hard coded in this node.

Subscribed Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Desired velocity for BipedRobin (x,y, theta)
stepsLeftInBuffer (std_msgs/UInt8)
  • Number of steps left in the step buffer of BipedRobin. A new step will only be sent if the buffer is empty.

Published Topics

desiredCenterPoint (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
  • Visualization of the desired center point of BipedRobin (point between the two feet).

Services Called

footstep3DInc_srv (biped_robin_msgs/StepTarget3DService)
  • Service is called to pass an incremental step to the step buffer of BipedRobin.


Generates desired velocities so that the robot follows a carrot (actually a frame in the tf tree).

Published Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Desired velocity for BipedRobin (x,y, theta)


~carrot_frame_id (string, default: /carrot)
  • Frame attached to the carrot (z-direction pointing up)
~base_frame_id (string, default: /base_footprint)
  • Base frame of the robot (x-axes pointing forward, z-axes pointing upwards)
~carrot_distance_x (double, default: -0.6)
  • Distance the robot keeps to the carrot.

Required tf Transforms

  • carrot frame is set with '~carrot_frame_id' parameter, base_footprint frame is set with '~base_frame_id'.

Launch Files

There are several launch files to start up the teleoperation:

  • joystick.launch - starts the joystick_teleop and biped_teleop nodes.

  • joystick_real.launch - like joystick.launch but also starts the drivers for BipedRobin

  • joystick_simulated.launch - like joystick.launch but also starts a simulation of BipedRobin.

Wiki: biped_robin_teleop (last edited 2013-11-29 14:39:20 by JohannesMayr)