Package Summary
The clober_simulation package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: clobot-git <ros AT DOT kr>
- Author:
- License: Apache License 2.0
- Source: git (branch: noetic-devel)
ROS Software Maintainer: Clobot
Clober Simulation Package
Clober Simulation package contains the launch files needed for simulation of the Clober Research Platform. Simulation within the virtual world would mitigate the risks and likelihood of failure of systems when it is applied into the real world. We aim to provide more realistic environments such that more accurate results can be reproduced in the future.
Clober e-Manual
This package is used gazebo_ros.Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- Twist has a linear component, for the (x,y,z) velocities, and an angular component for the angular rate about the (x,y,z) axes.
Published Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Joint State for each non-fixed joint in the robot
- orientation data, including raw data of linear_acceleration and angular_velocity.
- estimation data of a position and velocity in free space
- single scan data from a planar laser range-finder
- maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time.
This package is used joint_state_publisherPublished Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Joint State for each non-fixed joint in the robot
This package is used robot_state_publisherSubscribed Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- joint position information
- maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time.