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Package Summary

The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages

Package Summary

The cnn_bridge package take freeze graphs and publishes them as ROS messages


This package provides support for parsing convolution neural networks (CNN), and publishing them as ROS messages. Currently the package supports both detection an segmentation networks.

Input can be either from camera topics, an OpenCV camera, or a video.

ROS Nodes

  • cnn_publisher
    ROS node that opens a freeze graph and run it on images.

    • Publishes

      • detection

        • type = cnn_bridge/Detection
          Detection data. Published as boxes, scores, and classes. In addition, the header of the image that the network was run on (useful for statistics, and for hmi).


      • segmentation

        • type = cnn_bridge/Netmask
          Segmentation data. Published a 2-dimensional array of mask values. In addition, the header of the image that the network was run on (useful for statistics, and for hmi).

    • Parameters

      • source

        • type = String
          required = True
          The source of the images to be run through the network. There are three types of inputs allowed:

        • A path to a video file (any OpenCV compatible files will work).

        • A device number (0, 1, 2, 3,...) for an OpenCV device.

        • A ROS Image or CompressedImage topic.

      • logdir

        • type = string
          required = True
          Path to the hypes file. See bellow for an example JSON file.

      • metadata_source

        • type = string
          required = True
          Path to the metadata file. See bellow for an example JSON file.

      • mode

        • type = string
          required = True
          Either 'detection' or 'segmentation' depending on the mode.

      • input_tensor

        • type = string
          required = True
          Self explanatory.

      • output_tensor

        • type = string/[string]
          required = True
          If segmentation, self explanatory. If detection an array of three tensors that are [boxes,scores,classes]

      • display

        • type = Boolean
          default = True
          Whether to display the output or not

      • save_mode

        • type = Integer
          default = 0
          Mode to save the inputs / outputs of the network. Add the modes to create what you want:
          0 - No recording
          1 - Save the raw images entering the network
          2 - Save the raw images entering the network as a video
          4 - Save the images entering the network with the mask overlayed
          8 - Save the images entering the network with the mask overlayed as a video
          16 - Save the outputted mask
          32 - Save the outputted mask as a video

      • cpu

        • type = string
          default = False
          Not currently implemented! Sets whether to run the network on the CPU if an Nvidia GPU is present.

      • gpu_percent

        • type = Float
          default = 1.0
          Sets the percentage of an Nvidia GPU to use. This is used generally for running simultaneous networks.

Launch File Examples

Start a cnn_bridge in segmentation mode:

$ roslaunch cnn_bridge segmentation_publisher.launch

Start a cnn_bridge in detection mode:

$ roslaunch cnn_bridge detection_publisher.launch

Hypes Example

    "frozen_graph_path": "<path_to_frozen_graph.pb>",
    "image_height": 361,
    "image_width": 641,
    "resize_image": true,
    //TODO Add additional fields

Metadata JSON

If segmentation mode:

    "classes": ["CLASS_NAME_1", "CLASS_NAME_2", ..., "CLASS_NAME_N"]

If detection mode:

    "classes": [{
        "color": (red, green, blue),
        "id": < The ID of the class as outputted from the network >,
        "name": < Name assigned to the class >
        "id_category": < The ID of a parent class (ie. If class dog parent Animal) >
        "category": < The name of a parent class (ie. If class dog parent Animal) >

Wiki: cnn_bridge (last edited 2019-06-04 11:54:49 by NoamGolombek)