Only released in EOL distros:  

dlut_smartrob: dlut_motor_hokuyo | dlut_move_base | dlut_pc_odom

Package Summary

The dlut_move_base package

dlut_smartrob: dlut_motor_hokuyo | dlut_move_base | dlut_pc_odom

Package Summary

The dlut_move_base package


dlut_move_base is a package associated with control and movement of the robot “SmartROB” our lab developed independently. The serial_com node is a base controller node.It must run on a computer attached directly to the motor controller by serial port.And the sick_key node is used to get the command from the keyboard.


Node "serial_com" can be started by running:

   1 rosrun dlut_move_base serial_com

Node "sick_key" can be started by running:

   1 rosrun dlut_move_base sick_key



The serial_com node is a base controller node.It must run on a computer attached directly to the motor controller by serial port.

Subscribed Topics

cmd_velocity (dlut_move_base/Velocity)
  • the command to control the robot.
cmd_twist (dlut_move_base/Twist)
  • the command to control the robot.

Published Topics

robot_velocity (dlut_move_base/Twist)
  • the velocity from the robot.
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • Get the odometry value.


Port (int, default: 2)
  • The serial port number.
BaudRate (int, default: 9600)
  • The baud rate of the serial port.


The sick_key node is used to get the command from the keyboard.

Published Topics

is_run (std_msgs/Bool)
  • Publish the message to tell the motor to rotate or not.
is_run_pch (std_msgs/Bool)
  • Publish the message whether the holder begin to rotate or not.
cmd_velocity (dlut_move_base/Velocity)
  • Publish the command to the topic to control the robot.


scale_angular (double, default: 0.1)
  • the weight of the angular velocity's increment.
scale_linear (double, default: 0.1)
  • the weight of the linear velocity's increment.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

We appreciate the time and effort spent submitting bug reports.

Wiki: dlut_move_base (last edited 2013-05-07 01:50:07 by dbb1987)