Only released in EOL distros:
iri_common_drivers: iri_asterx1 | iri_ati_force_sensor | iri_bumblebee2 | iri_common_drivers_msgs | iri_dynamixel_gripper | iri_dynamixel_nc_gripper | iri_dynamixel_no_gripper | iri_firewire_camera | iri_hokuyo_laser | iri_hokuyo_laser3d | iri_joystick | iri_ladybug2 | iri_leuze_laser | iri_loquendo_tts | iri_pmdcamera | iri_tcm3_compass | iri_ueye_camera
Package Summary
This node implements data acquisition from the AsteRx1 GPS receiver. The node publishes data through two topics, one provides the ROS common gps message NavSatFix.msg, while the other publishes extended GPS data following iriGpsExtended.msg
- Author: andreu, [email protected]
- License: LGPL
- Source: svn