Only released in EOL distros:  

kurt_apps: kurt_2dnav | kurt_2dnav_slam | kurt_freespace | kurt_navigation_config | kurt_navigation_global | kurt_navigation_local | kurt_navigation_slam | uos_maps

Package Summary

This node implements a simple "freespace" (obstacle avoidance) behavior. It subscribes to a 2D laser scan and always tries to steer towards the largest open space.

It was tested on the Kurt robot platform, but should work on any robot that has a 2D laser scanner and accepts Twist messages.

kurt_apps: kurt_2dnav | kurt_2dnav_slam | kurt_freespace | kurt_navigation_config | kurt_navigation_global | kurt_navigation_local | kurt_navigation_slam | uos_maps

Package Summary

This node implements a simple "freespace" (obstacle avoidance) behavior. It subscribes to a 2D laser scan and always tries to steer towards the largest open space.

It was tested on the Kurt robot platform, but should work on any robot that has a 2D laser scanner and accepts Twist messages.

kurt_apps: kurt_2dnav | kurt_2dnav_slam | kurt_freespace | kurt_navigation_config | kurt_navigation_global | kurt_navigation_local | kurt_navigation_slam

Package Summary

This node implements a simple "freespace" (obstacle avoidance) behavior. It subscribes to a 2D laser scan and always tries to steer towards the largest open space.

It was tested on the Kurt robot platform, but should work on any robot that has a 2D laser scanner and accepts Twist messages.

kurt_apps: kurt_2dnav | kurt_2dnav_slam | kurt_freespace | kurt_navigation_config | kurt_navigation_global | kurt_navigation_local | kurt_navigation_slam

Package Summary

This node implements a simple "freespace" (obstacle avoidance) behavior. It subscribes to a 2D laser scan and always tries to steer towards the largest open space.

It was tested on the Kurt robot platform, but should work on any robot that has a 2D laser scanner and accepts Twist messages.



Subscribed Topics

scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

Published Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)


max_vel_x (double, default: 0.9)
  • The maximum x velocity [m/s].
max_rotational_vel (double, default: 1.0)
  • The maximum yaw velocity [rad/s].

Wiki: kurt_freespace (last edited 2012-06-18 10:00:54 by MartinGuenther)