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Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher implementation. More about CSM:
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski, William Morris
- License: BSD
- Repository: ccny-ros-pkg
- Source: git
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher implementation. More about CSM:
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski, William Morris
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher implementation. More about CSM:
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski, William Morris
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: fuerte)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher (CSM) implementation. See the web site for more about CSM. NOTE the CSM library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3, whereas the rest of the code is released under the BSD license.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Carlos <cjaramillo AT gc.cuny DOT edu>, Isaac I.Y. Saito <130s AT DOT jp>
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski <ccnyroboticslab AT gmail DOT com>, William Morris, Andrea Censi
- License: BSD, LGPLv3
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher (CSM) implementation. See the web site for more about CSM. NOTE the CSM library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3, whereas the rest of the code is released under the BSD license.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Ivan Dryanovski <ccnyroboticslab AT gmail DOT com>, Carlos <cjaramillo AT gc.cuny DOT edu>, Isaac I.Y. Saito <dev AT DOT jp>
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski, William Morris, Andrea Censi
- License: BSD, LGPLv3
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher (CSM) implementation. See the web site for more about CSM. NOTE the CSM library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3, whereas the rest of the code is released under the BSD license.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Carlos <cjaramillo AT gc.cuny DOT edu>, Isaac I.Y. Saito <130s AT DOT jp>
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski <ccnyroboticslab AT gmail DOT com>, William Morris, Andrea Censi
- License: BSD, LGPLv3
- Source: git (branch: indigo)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher (CSM) implementation. See the web site for more about CSM. NOTE the CSM library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3, whereas the rest of the code is released under the BSD license.
- Maintainer status: unmaintained
- Maintainer: Carlos <cjaramillo AT gc.cuny DOT edu>, Isaac I.Y. Saito <130s AT DOT jp>
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski <ccnyroboticslab AT gmail DOT com>, William Morris, Andrea Censi
- License: BSD, LGPLv3
- Source: git (branch: ros1)
Package Summary
An incremental laser scan matcher, using Andrea Censi's Canonical Scan Matcher (CSM) implementation. See the web site for more about CSM. NOTE the CSM library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3, whereas the rest of the code is released under the BSD license.
- Maintainer status: unmaintained
- Maintainer: Carlos <cjaramillo AT gc.cuny DOT edu>, Isaac I.Y. Saito <130s AT DOT jp>
- Author: Ivan Dryanovski <ccnyroboticslab AT gmail DOT com>, William Morris, Andrea Censi
- License: BSD, LGPLv3
- Source: git (branch: ros1)
The laser_scan_matcher package is an incremental laser scan registration tool. The package allows to scan match between consecutive sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages, and publish the estimated position of the laser as a geometry_msgs/Pose2D or a tf transform.
The package can be used without any odometry estimation provided by other sensors. Thus, it can serve as a stand-alone odometry estimator. Alternatively, you can provide several types of odometry input to improve the registration speed and accuracy.
Supported message types
The laser_scan_matcher can operate using sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages. When using sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, make sure they have no nan values.
Scan prediction
While the laser_scan_matcher can operate by just using scan data, we can speed up the scan registration process by providing a guess for the current position of the sensor every time a new scan message arrives. When no guess is available, a reasonable (and widely-used) assumption is that the sensor didn't move (zero-velocity model). Below is a list of inputs that laser_scan_matcher accepts:
IMU :An estimation for the change of the orientation angle (delta-theta) of the robot in the form of a sensor_msgs/IMU message. We are assuming that the yaw component of the IMU message corresponds to the orientation of the robot. Thus, we don't really need a full 6DoF IMU sensor - a cheap 1-axis gyro will work as well, as long as its output is packed as an IMU message. The required topic is imu/data.
Wheel odometry: An estimation for the change of x-, y-, and orientation angle of the robot from an odometric sensor such as wheel encoders. The required topic is odom.
Constant velocity model: Assumes the robot moved based on an estimate of the robot's velocity. The velocity estimate can be obtained from an external sensor, or by derivating and filtering the output of the scan matcher itself. The required topic is vel. For an example of how to use a simple filter to achieve this, check out Alpha-beta tracking for scan matching predictions.
Zero-velocity model: Don't use any prediction, ie, assume that the robot stayed in the same place.
We can use combinations of the above such as IMU together with wheel odometry or IMU together with alpha beta tracking. When several prediction modes are enabled, the priority is IMU > Odometry > Constant Velocity > Zero Velocity.
What should I use in practice?
IMU and (to some extent) wheel odometry inputs significantly improve convergence speed for rotational motion. The addition of an IMU input is thus highly recommended.
Alpha-beta tracking can lead to a significant speed up when the performance of the scan matcher is stable, but might result in weird behavior for highly dynamic environments or environments with poor features. We recommend enabling it and determining empirically if it is useful for your environment.
Keyframes vs frame-to-frame scan matching
In the classical frame-to-frame laser odometry, each laser scan is compared to the previous scan. The transformation between the two is aggregated over time to calculate the position of the robot in the fixed frame.
Some noise in the scans is inevitable. Thus, even for a robot standing still, the incremental transformations might be non-zero. This could result in a slow drift of the pose of the robot.
To alleviate this, we implement keyframe-based matching. The change in pose is calculated between the current laser scan and a "keyframe" scan. The keyframe scan is updated after the robot moves a certain distance. Thus, if the robot is standing still, the keyframe scan will not change, and the pose will remain more drift free.
Setting the tolerance for updating the keyframe can be achieved via the kf_dist_linear and kf_dist_angular parameters. Their default values give a more robust performance, both while standing still and moving.
To change the scan_matching mode back to the classical frame-to-frame, the user can simply set either of the two thresholds to zero.
You can run the laser_scan_matcher on a pre-recorded bag file that comes with the package. First, make sure you have the scan_tools stack downloaded and installed by following the instruction instructions.
1 roslaunch laser_scan_matcher demo.launch
You should see a result similar to the video below. The video shows tracking the position of a Hokuyo laser as it is being carried freely around a room. The pose is determined entirely by the scan matcher - no additional odometry is provided.
Two drivers are available: laser_scan_matcher_nodelet and laser_scan_matcher_node. Their parameters and topics are identical.
Subscribed Topics
scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)- Scans from a laser range-finder
- Scans in point cloud form
- Imu messages, used for theta prediction. Only used if use_imu is set to true.
- Odometry messages, used for x-, y-, and theta prediction. Only used if use_odom is set to true.
Published Topics
pose2D (geometry_msgs/Pose2D)- The pose of the base frame, in some fixed (world) frame.
Required tf Transforms
base_link → laser- the pose of the laser in the base frame.
Provided tf Transforms
world → base_link- the pose of the robot base in the world frame. Only provided when publish_tf is enabled.
Coordinate frames
~fixed_frame (string, default: "world")
- the fixed frame
- the base frame of the robot
Motion prediction
~use_imu (bool, default: true)
- Whether to use an imu for the theta prediction of the scan registration. Requires input on /imu/data topic.
- Whether to use wheel odometry for the x-, y-, and theta prediction of the scan registration. Requires input on odom topic.
- Whether to use constant velocity model for the x-, y-, and theta prediction of the scan registration. Requires input on vel topic.
Pointcloud input
Parameters when using sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 instead of sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.
~use_cloud_input (bool, default: false)
- Whether to subscribe to a /cloud topic with sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages instead of a /scan topic with sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.
- The minimum range of the sensor, if using sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages. Not needed if using sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.
- The maximum range of the sensor, if using sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 messages. Not needed if using sensor_msgs/LaserScan messages.
Parameters for setting up keyframe-scan based registration. Using the default values, the keyframe is updated when the sensor moves 10 cm or 10 degrees. Setting either of these to zero will reduce to frame-to-frame scan matching. Keeping them at default levels should reduce drift while robot is stationary.
~kf_dist_linear (double, default: 0.10)
- What distance the fixed frame needs to move before updating the keyframe scan (in meters)
- What angle the fixed frame needs to move before updating the keyframe scan (in radians).
~publish_tf (bool, default: true)
- whether to publish scan matcher's estimation for the position of the base frame in the world frame as a transform.
- whether to publish scan matcher's estimation for the position of the base frame in the world frame as a geometry_msgs/Pose2D
- whether to publish scan matcher's estimation for the position of the base frame in the world frame as a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped
Scan matching
~max_iterations (int, default: 10)
- Maximum ICP cycle iterations
- Maximum distance for a correspondence to be valid
- Maximum angular displacement between scans, in degrees
- Maximum translation between scans (m)
- A threshold for stopping (m)
- A threshold for stopping (rad)
- Percentage of correspondences to consider: if 0.90, always discard the top 10% of correspondences with more error
Scan matching (advanced)
~sigma (double, default: 0.010)
- Noise in the scan (m) (Not sure if changing this has any effect in the current implementation)
- If 1, use smart tricks for finding correspondences (see paper).
- Restart: If 1, restart if error is over threshold
- Restart: Threshold for restarting
- Restart: displacement for restarting. (m)
- Restart: displacement for restarting. (rad)
- Max distance for staying in the same clustering
- Number of neighbour rays used to estimate the orientation
- If 0, it's vanilla ICP
- If 1, discard correspondences based on the angles
- Discard correspondences based on the angles - threshold angle, in degrees
- Parameters describing a simple adaptive algorithm for discarding. 1) Order the errors. 2) Choose the percentile according to outliers_adaptive_order (if it is 0.7, get the 70% percentile). 3) Define an adaptive threshold multiplying outliers_adaptive_mult with the value of the error at the chosen percentile. 4) Discard correspondences over the threshold. This is useful to be conservative; yet remove the biggest errors.
- Parameters describing a simple adaptive algorithm for discarding. 1) Order the errors. 2) Choose the percentile according to outliers_adaptive_order (if it is 0.7, get the 70% percentile). 3) Define an adaptive threshold multiplying outliers_adaptive_mult with the value of the error at the chosen percentile. 4) Discard correspondences over the threshold. This is useful to be conservative; yet remove the biggest errors.
- If you already have a guess of the solution, you can compute the polar angle of the points of one scan in the new position. If the polar angle is not a monotone function of the readings index, it means that the surface is not visible in the next position. If it is not visible, then we don't use it for matching.
- If 1, no two points in laser_sens can have the same correspondence
- If 1, computes the covariance of ICP using the method (Changing this has no effect in the current implementation)
- If 1, checks that find_correspondences_tricks gives the right answer
- If 1, the field 'true_alpha' (or 'alpha') in the first scan is used to compute the incidence beta, and the factor (1/cos^2(beta)) used to weight the correspondence. (Changing this has no effect in the current implementation)
- If 1, the field 'readings_sigma' in the second scan is used to weight the correspondence by 1/sigma^2 (Not sure if changing this has any effect in the current implementation)
[1] A. Censi, "An ICP variant using a point-to-line metric" Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2008
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