Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The marble_plugin shows a geo position on an map. Marble is used as a widget base. The geo position has to be of the sensor_msgs::SatNavFix type.
- Author: Tobias Bär ([email protected])
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: None)
Package Summary
The marble_plugin shows a geo position on an map. Marble is used as a widget base. The geo position has to be of the sensor_msgs::SatNavFix type.
- Author: Tobias Bär ([email protected])
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: None)
This plugin takes advantage of the Marble Widget, provided with the libmarble-dev package of ubuntu. The main features are:
Show two geo positions (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix message) on the map. This is helpful if you have a "sensor signal" originating from the sensor and a "map matching position" originating from your map matching algorithm.
Show content of several KML Files
- Load specific map themes as Open Street Map theme, Historic theme, Sattelite View theme, World by Night theme, ...
You might need to satisfy dependency by:
$ rosdep install marble_plugin
Further Reading