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Package Summary
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- Author: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: v1.0.0)
Package Summary
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- Author: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: v1.0.0)
Package Summary
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- Author: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- Author: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
ROS package for Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- Author: Praveen Palanisamy <praveen.palanisamy AT outlook DOT com>
- License: MIT
- Source: git (branch: master)
Multiple objects detection, tracking and classification from LIDAR scans/point-clouds
Sample demo of multiple object tracking using LIDAR scans
PCL based ROS package to Detect/Cluster --> Track --> Classify static and dynamic objects in real-time from LIDAR scans implemented in C++.
- K-D tree based point cloud processing for object feature detection from point clouds
- Unsupervised k-means clustering based on detected features and refinement using RANSAC
Stable tracking (object ID & data association) with an ensemble of Kalman Filters
- Robust compared to k-means clustering with mean-flow tracking
Follow the steps below to use this (multi_object_tracking_lidar) package:
Create a catkin workspace (if you do not have one setup already).
Navigate to the src folder in your catkin workspace: cd ~/catkin_ws/src
Clone this repository: git clone
Compile and build the package: cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
Add the catkin workspace to your ROS environment: source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Run the kf_tracker ROS node in this package: rosrun multi_object_tracking_lidar kf_tracker
If all went well, the ROS node should be up and running! As long as you have the point clouds published on to the filtered_cloud rostopic, you should see outputs from this node published onto the obj_id, cluster_0, cluster_1, …, cluster_5 topics along with the markers on viz topic which you can visualize using RViz.
Supported point-cloud streams/sources:
The input point-clouds can be from:
- A real LiDAR or
- A simulated LiDAR or
- A point cloud dataset or
- Any other data source that produces point clouds
If you use the code or snippets from this repository in your work, please cite:
@software{praveen_palanisamy_2019_3559187, author = {Praveen Palanisamy}, title = {{praveen-palanisamy/multiple-object-tracking-lidar: Multiple-Object-Tracking-from-Point-Clouds_v1.0.2}}, month = dec, year = 2019, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {1.0.2}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3559187}, url = {} }
Checkout the Wiki pages (
1. Multiple-object tracking from pointclouds using a Velodyne VLP-16