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Package Summary

Node for the "multivehicle simulator" framework.

Package Summary

Node for the "multivehicle simulator" framework.

Package Summary

Node for the "multivehicle simulator" framework.

Package Summary

Node for the "multivehicle simulator" framework.

Package Summary

A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework.

ROS node for the "multivehicle simulator" framework. ****Under development!****


  • From the repositories:

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-mvsim
  • From sources: Clone into your catkin workspace and build as usual.



The mvsim_node node wraps Multi-Vehicle Simulator library (libmvsim). It loads a world file and exposes vehicles, sensors and wheel forces via ROS.

Usage: See parameters below. You can start running the provided demo files, for example:

    roslaunch mvsim mvsim_demo_2robots.launch

World files

(Write me!)

Subscribed topics

If there is only one vehicle defined in the world file, all of these topics appear at the top namespace. However, if more than one vehicle exist, topics are placed into their own namespaces like veh<i>/ , e.g., veh0/cmd_vel etc.

cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist

  • velocity commands to drive the position model of the robot

Published topics

If there is only one vehicle defined in the world file, all of these topics appear at the top namespace. However, if more than one vehicle exist, topics are placed into their own namespaces like veh<i>/ , e.g., veh0/odom etc.

odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)

  • odometry data from the vehicle.

base_pose_ground_truth (nav_msgs/Odometry)

  • ground truth pose

<LASER_SENSOR_NAME> (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)

  • scans from simulated 2D laser scanners (name matches that provided in the world file)

The odom topic gives simulated odometry, while base_pose_ground_truth always provides a perfect, globally referenced pose.


~base_watchdog_timeout (default: 0.2)

  • time (in seconds) after receiving the last command on cmd_vel before stopping a position model

tf transforms provided


  • transform from robot base to attached laser(s)


  • identity transform


  • transform from odometric origin to base

Wiki: mvsim (last edited 2015-01-08 07:34:13 by Jose Luis Blanco)