Only released in EOL distros:
robotis_op3: cm_740_module | op3_action_module | op3_balance_control | op3_base_module | op3_direct_control_module | op3_head_control_module | op3_kinematics_dynamics | op3_localization | op3_manager | op3_online_walking_module | op3_walking_module | open_cr_module
Package Summary
The op3_online_walking_module package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: SCH <sch AT robotis DOT com>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS
ROBOTIS e-Manual
Subscribed Topics
robotis/online_walking/reset_body (std_msgs/Bool)- This message is used for reset the body pose (go to initial pose with joint control).
- This message is used for joint space control.
- This message is used for task space control.
- This message is used for walking control by foot step command.
- This message is used to change walking parameter.
- This message is used to set balance control on/off.
- This message is used to set the body offset.
- This message is used to change the foot step height (z-position).
- This message is used for walking control by foot step generator.
Published Topics
robotis/status (robotis_controller_msgs/StatusMsg)- Message that describes status of online_walking_module.
- This message publish the notification when the movement is done.
- This message publish the goal joint states of this module.
- This message publish the goal pose of pelvis.
robotis/online_walking/get_joint_pose (op3_online_walking_module_msgst/GetJointPose)- Get current goal joint pose
- Get current goal end effector's pose of certain kinematics group