Only released in EOL distros:
open_manipulator: open_manipulator_control_gui | open_manipulator_controller | open_manipulator_description | open_manipulator_libs | open_manipulator_moveit | open_manipulator_teleop
Package Summary
The Dynamixel controller package based on Dynamixel-Workbench for OpenManipulator.
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Darby Lim <thlim AT robotis DOT com>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS
ROBOTIS e-Manual
Subscribed Topics
open_manipulator/goal_joint_position (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Subscribe goal position of joints
- Subscribe goal position of gripper
Published Topics
open_manipulator/joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Publish present position of Dynamixel
/use_robot_name (String, default: open_manipulator)- Set robot name
- Configure USB port name
- Configure baud rate for connecting Dynamixel
- Configure protocol version for Dynamixel
- Configure operating mode for joint
- Configure id for joint1
- Configure id for joint2
- Configure id for joint3
- Configure id for joint4
- Configure operating mode for gripper
- Configure id for gripper