Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
- Author: Advait Jain (Healthcare Robotics Lab, Georgia Tech)
- License: New BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
This is an interface to point_cloud_mapping. It probably needs to be fixed as Advait hasn't used it since January 08, 2010.
A README file in the package provides these instructions:
numpy_pc_2009Jun02_181409.pkl: pickle of a 3xN numpy matrix of 3D points. This is a real point cloud of a door using a tilting laser range finder.
python -h will give some information about the usage.
./ros_point_clouder -h will display a help message. Run all tests from bin
- terminal 1 - ./
- terminal 2 - ./ros_point_clouder --pc ../data/numpy_pc_2009Jun01_182408.pkl
- downsampled point cloud will be displayed using mayavi2.
- terminal 2 - ./ros_point_clouder --pc ../data/numpy_pc_2009Jun01_182408.pkl
- terminal 1 - ./
- terminal 2 - ./ros_point_clouder --sphere
A file "normals_cloud_<timestamp>.pkl" will get created. terminal 2 - ./ros_point_clouder -f ../data/normals_cloud_2009Jun02_202114.pkl --plot
- surface normals and curvature for synthetic sphere will get displayed.
- terminal 2 - ./ros_point_clouder --sphere
- Try 2) with "--pc numpy_pc_2009Jun01_182408.pkl" instead of "--sphere" to plot surface normals and curvature of a real point cloud.