Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
An extension of the PR2 props demo, but instead of high fives, the PR2 swings a lightsaber until it detects an impact.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Devon Ash <dash AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
- Author: David V. Lu!!
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
One of the great things about working on ROS is the ability to see everyone else's code. So when Joe Romano create the pr2_props demo, I was able to take it apart and see how it worked. The basic idea was to
- Move the arm to a designated pose
- Begin moving the arm to another pose
- If an acceleration is detected in the wrist accelerometer, stop.
- Repeat as necessary
This, along with Stanford's Demo gave me an idea. Essentially, what if you did the same exact demo, with slightly different arm positions, and a plastic lightsaber in the robots hand.
While the original pr2_props was written in C++, I converted the whole thing to be Python in a slightly more modular way. All of the arm positions are saved and loaded from yaml files.
The launch file duel_with_setup will move the PR2's arm to its side, and open the gripper. Place the lightsaber in the PR2's gripper pointing up and press enter.