Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Grasp Collection for Constructing a Grasping and Recognition Database
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Russell Toris <russell.toris AT gmail DOT com>, David Kent <dekent AT gatech DOT edu>
- Author: Russell Toris <russell.toris AT gmail DOT com>, David Kent <dekent AT gatech DOT edu>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Grasp Collection for Constructing a Grasping and Recognition Database
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Russell Toris <russell.toris AT gmail DOT com>, David Kent <dekent AT gatech DOT edu>
- Author: Russell Toris <russell.toris AT gmail DOT com>, David Kent <dekent AT gatech DOT edu>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
The rail_grasp_collection package contains nodes to collect demonstration grasps for detected point cloud objects. These demonstrations can then be used to build object models for recognition and manipulation using the rail_recognition package. Demonstrations are stored in a grasp database, handled by graspdb.
Collect demonstrated grasps with associated point clouds and store them in the grasp database.Action Goal
rail_grasp_collection/grasp_and_store (rail_pick_and_place_msgs/GraspAndStoreGoal)- Execute a grasp and store the result in the grasp database.
Action Result
rail_grasp_collection/grasp_and_store (rail_pick_and_place_msgs/GraspAndStoreResult)- Grasp collection result.
Actions Called
gripper_action_server param (rail_manipulation_msgs/GripperAction)- Close gripper action.
- End effector lifting action.
- Determine whether or not a grasp was successful.
Subscribed Topics
segmented_objects_topic param (rail_manipulation_msgs/SegmentedObjectList)- Incoming segmented object data.
Published Topics
rail_grasp_collection/debug (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Debug publisher for the segmented point cloud collected on calling the grasp_and_store action.
debug (bool, default: false)- Display debugging information if true.
- Fixed coordinate frame within the robot's coordinate system.
- End effector coordinate frame, used for storing grasp poses.
- Topic for incoming segmented object data.
- Action server topic for controlling the robot's end effector.
- Action server topic for raising the end effector.
- Action server topic for verifying whether or not a grasp was successful.
- Grasp database host ip.
- Grasp database port.
- Grasp database username.
- Grasp database password.
- Grasp database name.
Retrieve stored grasps from the grasp database training set.Action Goal
rail_grasp_retriever/retrieve_grasp (rail_pick_and_place_msgs/RetrieveGraspDemonstrationGoal)- Retrieve a specified grasp demonstration from the grasp database.
Action Result
rail_grasp_retriever/retrieve_grasp (rail_pick_and_place_msgs/RetrieveGraspDemonstrationResult)- Retrieved grasp result.
Published Topics
rail_grasp_retriever/point_cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Retrieved point cloud.
- Retrieved grasp pose.
/graspdb/host (string, default: "")- Grasp database host ip.
- Grasp database port.
- Grasp database username.
- Grasp database password.
- Grasp database name.
To install the rail_pick_and_place package, you can install from source with the following commands:
The rail_grasp_collection package contains launch files for launching either the rail_grasp_collection node or the rail_grasp_retriever node individually, and for launching both nodes together. These can be launched with the following commands, respectively:
roslaunch rail_grasp_collection rail_grasp_collection.launch
roslaunch rail_grasp_collection rail_grasp_retriever.launch
roslaunch rail_grasp_collection rail_grasp_collection_and_retriever.launch
Grasp collection can also be run and executed with an rviz plugin found in rail_pick_and_place_tools.