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Package Summary
The rc_hand_eye_calibration_client package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Felix Ruess <felix.ruess AT roboception DOT de>
- Author: Christian Emmerich <christian.emmerich AT roboception DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
The rc_hand_eye_calibration_client package
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Felix Ruess <felix.ruess AT roboception DOT de>
- Author: Christian Emmerich <christian.emmerich AT roboception DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
The rc_hand_eye_calibration_client package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Felix Ruess <felix.ruess AT roboception DOT de>
- Author: Christian Emmerich <christian.emmerich AT roboception DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
The rc_hand_eye_calibration_client package
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Felix Ruess <felix.ruess AT roboception DOT de>
- Author: Christian Emmerich <christian.emmerich AT roboception DOT de>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
See and for more details.
This package is still in development and the API might change in the future. Please report any bugs or feature requests on GitHub.
This node provides ROS service calls and topics to calibrate the rc_visard to a robot, also called hand-eye calibration. It also provides the new or pre-existing calibration via /tf or /tf_static.
The default behavior is to request the existing calibration of the rc_visard once on startup, broadcast it (latched) on /tf_static and only broadcast again if the advertised ROS services calibrate or get_calibration are called.
Calibration routine
The calibration routine consists of several steps:
- Setting calibration parameters, i.e. grid size and mounting, via dynamic reconfigure.
- For a user-defined number of robot calibration poses repeat
- Move the robot to the pose (calibration grid must be visible in the rc_visard's view).
Send the robot pose to rc_visard (set_pose)
Trigger the calibration transformation to be calculated (calibrate).
After the calibration transform is calculated and tested, it should be saved to the rc_visard (save_calibration).
For detailed instructions on the calibration routine consult the rc_visard manual:
host: The IP address or hostname of the rc_visard that should be calibrated.
rc_visard_frame_id: Name of the frame on the rc_visard when calibrating. Default: "camera"
end_effector_frame_id: Name of the frame calibrated to when using a robot_mounted (see Section 3.2) rc_visard. Default: "end_effector"
base_frame_id: Name of the frame calibrated to when using a statically (externally) mounted rc_visard (robot_mounted == false). Default: "base_link"
calibration_request_period: Decimal number, controls the requesting of calibration from the rc_visard. Default: 0.0
- If positive: Interval in seconds for automated requests to get the latest calibration.
- If zero: Only request once on startup (default).
- If negative, the calibration is never requested.
In any case, new results will be broadcast when the services calibrate or get_calibration of this node are called.
calibration_publication_period: Decimal number, controls broadcasting of the calibration on /tf or /tf_static. Default: 0.0
- If positive: Interval in seconds.
If negative or zero, the calibration is broadcast on /tf_static only when changed in a manual or periodic calibration request (default).
Since version 2.7, the device ID can be used instead of the sensor's IP address:
device: The ID of the device, i.e. Roboception rc_visard sensor. This can be either:
serial number, e.g. 02912345.
Preceed with a colon (:02912345) when passing this on the commandline or setting it via rosparam (see This is not neccessary when specifying it as a string in a launch file.
- user defined name must be unique among all reachable sensors.
Dynamic reconfigure parameters
grid_width: The width of the calibration pattern in meters.
grid_height: The height of the calibration pattern in meters.
robot_mounted: Whether the camera is mounted on the robot or not.
tcp_rotation_axis:, TCP rotation axis for 4 DOF robot calibration (-1 for general robot)
tcp_offset: Offset from the TCP for 4 DOF robot calibration
The following services are offered to follow the calibration routine:
reset_calibration: Deletes all previously provided poses and corresponding images. The last saved calibration result is reloaded. This service might be used to (re-)start the hand-eye calibration from scratch.
set_pose: Provides a robot pose as calibration pose to the hand-eye calibration routine.
calibrate: Calculates and returns the hand-eye calibration transformation with the robot poses configured by the set_pose service. Broadcasts the result via /tf or /tf_static.
get_calibration: Returns the existing hand-eye calibration transformation. Broadcasts the result via /tf or /tf_static.
save_calibration: Persistently saves the result of hand-eye calibration to the rc_visard and overwrites the existing one. The stored result can be retrieved any time by the get_calibration service.
remove_calibration: Removes the stored hand-eye calibration on the rc_visard. After this call the get_calibration service reports again that no hand-eye calibration is available. Periodic broadcasting via /tf will be stopped.
set_calibration: Sets the hand-eye calibration transformation. The calibration transformation is expected in the same format as returned by the calibrate and get_calibration calls. save_calibration must be called to make the calibration transformation persistent.
Using command line parameters:
rosrun rc_hand_eye_calibration_client rc_hand_eye_calibration_client_node _host:=<sensor_ip>
Since version 2.7:
rosrun rc_hand_eye_calibration_client rc_hand_eye_calibration_client_node _device:=:<serial_number>
Report a Bug
Use GitHub to report bugs or submit feature requests. [View active issues]
Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 |