Only released in EOL distros:
roboearth: ar_bounding_box | re_2dmap_extractor | re_comm | re_comm_core | re_kinect_object_detector | re_msgs | re_object_detector_gui | re_object_recorder | re_ontology | re_srvs | re_vision
Package Summary
This package implements a detection method for models created by re_object_recorder.
This package is part of RoboEarth (EU FP7, grant 248942).
- Author: Andreas Koch
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
What does re_kinect_object_detector do?
Once you recorded a model using re_object_recorder, you can use re_kinect_object_detector to detect it again in a point cloud.
See the tutorial roboearth/Tutorials/Using recorded models for object detection for a usage description.
Main node for recognizing objects with the Kinect camera.Subscribed Topics
camera/depth_registered/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- Input point cloud to in which to look for known objects (usually straight from [openni_node]).
- Signals re_kinect to load the model stored at the given path.
Published Topics
re_kinect/feature_pcl (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- The matched model aspect as point cloud.
- Announces detected objects along with the input image and detected object names.
Provided tf Transforms
/camera_rgb_optical_frame → OBJECT_CLASS.OBJECT_NAME- Transformation from the camera frame to the object frame.