Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The ros_in_hand_scanner package
- Maintainer: Patrick Wiesen <wiesen AT fh-aachen DOT de>
- Author:
- License: TODO
- Source: git (branch: master)
The ROS In-hand scanner provides a 3D Scanning application based on the PCL In-hand scanner for small objects by Martin Sälzle and the PCL developers.
Original PCL Documentation can be found here:
This video shows a scanning process using Intel RealSense Camera.
This package needs PCL 1.8.0 to be installed. See here for further information.
#Prepare Workspace source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash mkdir -p ~/rihs_ws/src cd ~/rihs_ws/src catkin_init_workspace cd ~/rihs_ws/ catkin_make source devel/setup.bash #Get ROS In-hand scanner cd ~/rihs_ws/src git clone cd ~/rihs_ws/ #Install rosdep update rosdep install ros_in_hand_scanner catkin_make
Subscribed Topics
camera/depth_registered/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)- organized point cloud.
Some quick infos on how to use.
Start the ROS In-hand scanner:
roscore rosrun ros_in_hand_scanner ros_in_hand_scanner_node
Due to performance issues, a realtime registration is very slow with down to < 0.1 fps. A workaround is to record a rosbag file during the scanprocess itself. You can use the preview window to get a view of your actual scan orientation. Play the rosbag file afterwards with a low rate ~0.1 and start registration now. Follow the hints in the PCL documentation for your scan process.