Show EOL distros: 

jsk_common: dynamic_tf_publisher | image_view2 | jsk_footstep_msgs | jsk_gui_msgs | jsk_hark_msgs | jsk_tools | jsk_topic_tools | multi_map_server | opt_camera | posedetection_msgs | rospatlite | rosping

Package Summary


jsk_common: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | dynamic_tf_publisher | ff | ffha | image_view2 | jsk_footstep_msgs | jsk_gui_msgs | jsk_hark_msgs | jsk_network_tools | jsk_tilt_laser | jsk_tools | jsk_topic_tools | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | multi_map_server | nlopt | opt_camera | posedetection_msgs | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | sklearn | speech_recognition_msgs | virtual_force_publisher | voice_text

Package Summary


jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary


jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary


jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | dialogflow_task_executive | downward | ff | ffha | gdrive_ros | google_cloud_texttospeech | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | sesame_ros | slic | voice_text

Package Summary


jsk_3rdparty: assimp_devel | bayesian_belief_networks | downward | ff | ffha | julius | julius_ros | libcmt | libsiftfast | mini_maxwell | nlopt | opt_camera | pgm_learner | rospatlite | rosping | rostwitter | slic | voice_text

Package Summary


rospatlite is a ROS driver for patlite Signal Tower NHx series.

rospatlite Usage

roslaunch rospatlite patlite.launch IP:=<patlite ip>

  • patlite ip: network address or hostname of your patlite device


$ roslaunch rospatlite patlite.launch IP:=

In another shell

$ rostopic pub /patlite/set/buzzer std_msgs/Int8 1 # <- buzzer ON
$ rostopic pub /patlite/set/buzzer std_msgs/Int8 0 # <- buzzer OFF
$ rostopic pub /patlite/set/red std_msgs/Int8 1 # <- red light ON
$ rostopic pub /patlite/set/yellow std_msgs/Int8 2 # <- yellow light blink



This is a node that controls a patlite device.

Subscribed Topics

~set/red (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the red light.
Int8 State of the light
0 Off
1 On
2 Blink pattern 1
3 Blink pattern 2
~set/yellow (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the yellow light.
~set/green (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the green light.
~set/blue (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the blue light.
~set/white (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the white light.
~set/buzzer (std_msgs/Int8)
  • Set the state of the buzzer.
Int8 State of the buzzer
0 Off
1 Pattern 1
2 Pattern 2
3 Pattern 3
4 Pattern 4


~host (string, default: "")
  • hostname or IP address of the patlite device.
~port (int, default: 10000)
  • TCP port number of the patlite device.
~timeout (float, default: 0.5)
  • timeout[sec] for socket connection.

Wiki: rospatlite (last edited 2014-03-20 16:29:36 by TakuyaNakaoka)