Only released in EOL distros:  

This package provides a driver node for the SICK LD-MRS400001 Laser Scanner. The node can be initiated using:

  • rosrun sick_ldmrs

The node publishes on five separate topics:

  • PointCloud2 topic - containing the 3D points, layer, echo number, echo widths and time deltas.

  • Four LaserScan topics (one for each scan layer of the device).

Parameters can be modified via the dynamic_reconfigure gui:

  • rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui

The node is written in Python/Numpy.

No facility is provided for changing the IP address or port of the device. This can be achieved by using the software provided with the device (LD-MRS View).

Wiki: sick_ldmrs (last edited 2012-01-04 05:08:15 by Brett Grandbois)