Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
The straf_recovery package
- Maintainer: Peter Mitrano <mitranopeter AT gmail DOT com>
- Author:
- License: WTFPL
- Source: git (branch: master)
Use GitHub to report bugs or submit feature requests. [View active issues]
The straf_recovery::StrafRecovery is a simple recovery behavior that attempts to move away from the nearest obstacle in the navigation stack's costmaps. It is designed only for omnidirectional robots. It adheres to the nav_core::RecoveryBehavior interface found in the nav_core package and can be used as a recovery behavior plugin for the move_base node.
Subscribed Topics
move_base_simple/goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)- Provides a non-action interface to move_base for users that don't care about tracking the execution status of their goals.
Published Topics
~/obstacle_direction (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)- for visualizing the direction of strafing in RViz. pose is at the obstacle and points in the direction of strafing
- A count of the number of occurrences of straf recovery. Purely for failure detection or debugging.
timeout (double, default: 10)- The maximum amount of time to straf for. This overrides min and max distance.
- The minimum distance to straf for
- The maximum distance to straf for
- The velocity in meters/second to straf at.
- see your base local planner docs (dwa, eband, ect...)
- see your base local planner docs (dwa, eband, ect...)