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tuw_visual_marker: tuw_artoolkitplus | tuw_ellipses | tuw_uvc

Package Summary

The tuw_ellipses package contains a computer vision library which is able to detect ellipses within images. The package is able to estimate the pose of the circle related to the ellipse the circle diameter as well as the camera parameter are known. A dynamic reconfigure interface allows the user to tune the parameter of the system to ones needs. But be aware that the pose of a projected circle within a image (ellipse) has two solutions and only one is published as TF. A costom message (v4r_msgs) publishes all the data as well as the pose ambiguity.

tuw_marker_detection: tuw_aruco | tuw_checkerboard | tuw_ellipses | tuw_marker_pose_estimation

Package Summary

The tuw_ellipses package contains a computer vision library which is able to detect ellipses within images. The package is able to estimate the pose of the circle related to the ellipse the circle diameter as well as the camera parameter are known. A dynamic reconfigure interface allows the user to tune the parameter of the system to ones needs. But be aware that the pose of a projected circle within a image (ellipse) has two solutions and only one is published as TF.

tuw_marker_detection: tuw_aruco | tuw_checkerboard | tuw_ellipses | tuw_marker_pose_estimation

Package Summary

The tuw_ellipses package contains a computer vision library which is able to detect ellipses within images. The package is able to estimate the pose of the circle related to the ellipse the circle diameter as well as the camera parameter are known. A dynamic reconfigure interface allows the user to tune the parameter of the system to ones needs. But be aware that the pose of a projected circle within a image (ellipse) has two solutions and only one is published as TF.


This package detects ellipses in camera images and computes the 3D pose of the related circle if the radius of the circle is given. The current 3D pose estimation is based on the [Chen2004] and the successor of the v4r_ellipses package. Various Parameter and algorithm used to find ellipses can be tuned via ROS shared parameters or by using the dynamic reconfigure interface.

Chen2004) Chen, Q.; Wu, H. & Wada, T. Pajdla, T. & Matas, J. (Eds.) Camera Calibration with Two Arbitrary Coplanar Circles Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, 3023, 521-532,


  • First of all you need a camera publisher with calibration information (see MonocularCalibration to calibrate your camera) and lets assume you ar publishing your camera under /camera/image_raw and /camera/camera_info

  • Secound you can start the ellipse detection

    rosrun tuw_ellipses tuw_ellipses_node image:=/camera/image_raw camera_info:=/camera/camera_info
  • running the reconfigure module allows you to tune parameters
    rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure


tuw_ellipses_screenshot.png Detected Ellipses with projected normals of the two possible pose solutions.

tuw_ellipses_reconfigure.png Dynamic reconfigure interface

Wiki: tuw_ellipses (last edited 2017-03-09 15:42:18 by Markus Bader)