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IAUC 6125: C/1995 A1; EF Peg

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6125
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1995 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Jan.  9.19482    7 55 45.75   +20 24 13.8   19.1   Jedicke
           9.20357    7 55 45.44   +20 24 15.9            "
           9.21167    7 55 45.08   +20 24 17.9            "
          10.56418    7 54 58.44   +20 30 06.6   18.3   Kojima
          10.59659    7 54 57.39   +20 30 15.3            "

R. Jedicke (Kitt Peak).  0.9-m Spacewatch telescope.
T. Kojima (Chiyoda).  0.25-m f/6 reflector.  Communicated by S. Nakano.

     The parabolic orbital elements below are extremely indeterminate,
but the ephemeris should aid further observations.  It is rather probable
that the comet is of short period.

     T = 1994 Apr. 13.91 TT           Peri. = 294.14
                                      Node  = 116.07    2000.0
     q = 2.7624 AU                    Incl. =  12.38

1995 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Jan.  3     7 59.24    +19 57.6    2.869    3.825  164.3    4.0     19.1
      8     7 56.44    +20 19.1    2.885    3.858  170.1    2.5     19.2
     13     7 53.57    +20 40.5    2.909    3.891  176.0    1.0     19.2
     18     7 50.70    +21 01.4    2.941    3.924  178.2    0.4     19.3
     23     7 47.90    +21 21.7    2.980    3.957  172.4    1.9     19.3
     28     7 45.24    +21 40.9    3.026    3.991  166.7    3.3     19.4
Feb.  2     7 42.80    +21 59.0    3.081    4.025  161.0    4.6     19.5
      7     7 40.63    +22 15.8    3.142    4.059  155.3    5.8     19.6
     12     7 38.77    +22 31.1    3.210    4.093  149.8    7.0     19.7

     P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, Germany, reports his detection of
a rare outburst of this SU UMa-type dwarf nova (cf. IAUC 5369, 5371,
5372, 5378).  Visual magnitude estimates: Jan. 5.73 UT, [13.0 (Schmeer);
10.99, [13.5 (J. E. Bortle, Stormville, NY); 11.73, 11.1 (Schmeer);
11.74, 11.1 (G. Poyner, Birmingham, England); 12.70, 10.8 (L. Szentasko,
Veresegyhaz, Hungary); 12.74, 10.7 (T. Vanmunster, Landen, Belgium).

1995 January 13                (6125)              Brian G. Marsden

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