Emilio Monti


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Enhancing Contextual Understanding in Large Language Models through Contrastive Decoding
Zheng Zhao | Emilio Monti | Jens Lehmann | Haytham Assem
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) tend to inadequately integrate input context during text generation, relying excessively on encoded prior knowledge in model parameters, potentially resulting in generated text with factual inconsistencies or contextually unfaithful content. LLMs utilize two primary knowledge sources: 1) prior (parametric) knowledge from pretraining, and 2) contextual (non-parametric) knowledge from input prompts. The study addresses the open question of how LLMs effectively balance these knowledge sources during the generation process, specifically in the context of open-domain question answering. To address this issue, we introduce a novel approach integrating contrastive decoding with adversarial irrelevant passages as negative samples to enhance robust context grounding during generation. Notably, our method operates at inference time without requiring further training. We conduct comprehensive experiments to demonstrate its applicability and effectiveness, providing empirical evidence showcasing its superiority over existing methodologies.

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MASSIVE Multilingual Abstract Meaning Representation: A Dataset and Baselines for Hallucination Detection
Michael Regan | Shira Wein | George Baker | Emilio Monti
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is a semantic formalism that captures the core meaning of an utterance. There has been substantial work developing AMR corpora in English and more recently across languages, though the limited size of existing datasets and the cost of collecting more annotations are prohibitive. With both engineering and scientific questions in mind, we introduce MASSIVE-AMR, a dataset with more than 84,000 text-to-graph annotations, currently the largest and most diverse of its kind: AMR graphs for 1,685 information-seeking utterances mapped to 50+ typologically diverse languages. We describe how we built our resource and its unique features before reporting on experiments using large language models for multilingual AMR and SPARQL parsing as well as applying AMRs for hallucination detection in the context of knowledge base question answering, with results shedding light on persistent issues using LLMs for structured parsing.

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Handling Ontology Gaps in Semantic Parsing
Andrea Bacciu | Marco Damonte | Marco Basaldella | Emilio Monti
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

The majority of Neural Semantic Parsing (NSP) models are developed with the assumption that there are no concepts outside the ones such models can represent with their target symbols (closed-world assumption). This assumption leads to generate hallucinated outputs rather than admitting their lack of knowledge. Hallucinations can lead to wrong or potentially offensive responses to users. Hence, a mechanism to prevent this behavior is crucial to build trusted NSP-based Question Answering agents. To that end, we propose the Hallucination Simulation Framework (HSF), a general setting for stimulating and analyzing NSP model hallucinations. The framework can be applied to any NSP task with a closed-ontology. Using the proposed framework and KQA Pro as the benchmark dataset, we assess state-of-the-art techniques for hallucination detection. We then present a novel hallucination detection strategy that exploits the computational graph of the NSP model to detect the NSP hallucinations in the presence of ontology gaps, out-of-domain utterances, and to recognize NSP errors, improving the F1-Score respectively by ~21%, ~24% and ~1%. This is the first work in closed-ontology NSP that addresses the problem of recognizing ontology gaps. We release our code and checkpoints at https://github.com/amazon-science/handling-ontology-gaps-in-semantic-parsing.


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Semantic Parsing for Conversational Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
Laura Perez-Beltrachini | Parag Jain | Emilio Monti | Mirella Lapata
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In this paper, we are interested in developing semantic parsers which understand natural language questions embedded in a conversation with a user and ground them to formal queries over definitions in a general purpose knowledge graph (KG) with very large vocabularies (covering thousands of concept names and relations, and millions of entities). To this end, we develop a dataset where user questions are annotated with Sparql parses and system answers correspond to execution results thereof. We present two different semantic parsing approaches and highlight the challenges of the task: dealing with large vocabularies, modelling conversation context, predicting queries with multiple entities, and generalising to new questions at test time. We hope our dataset will serve as useful testbed for the development of conversational semantic parsers. Our dataset and models are released at https://github.com/EdinburghNLP/SPICE.

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We Need to Talk About Classification Evaluation Metrics in NLP
Peter Vickers | Loic Barrault | Emilio Monti | Nikolaos Aletras
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


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In Factuality: Efficient Integration of Relevant Facts for Visual Question Answering
Peter Vickers | Nikolaos Aletras | Emilio Monti | Loïc Barrault
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Visual Question Answering (VQA) methods aim at leveraging visual input to answer questions that may require complex reasoning over entities. Current models are trained on labelled data that may be insufficient to learn complex knowledge representations. In this paper, we propose a new method to enhance the reasoning capabilities of a multi-modal pretrained model (Vision+Language BERT) by integrating facts extracted from an external knowledge base. Evaluation on the KVQA dataset benchmark demonstrates that our method outperforms competitive baselines by 19%, achieving new state-of-the-art results. We also perform an extensive analysis highlighting the limitations of our best performing model through an ablation study.

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One Semantic Parser to Parse Them All: Sequence to Sequence Multi-Task Learning on Semantic Parsing Datasets
Marco Damonte | Emilio Monti
Proceedings of *SEM 2021: The Tenth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

Semantic parsers map natural language utterances to meaning representations. The lack of a single standard for meaning representations led to the creation of a plethora of semantic parsing datasets. To unify different datasets and train a single model for them, we investigate the use of Multi-Task Learning (MTL) architectures. We experiment with five datasets (Geoquery, NLMaps, TOP, Overnight, AMR). We find that an MTL architecture that shares the entire network across datasets yields competitive or better parsing accuracies than the single-task baselines, while reducing the total number of parameters by 68%. We further provide evidence that MTL has also better compositional generalization than single-task models. We also present a comparison of task sampling methods and propose a competitive alternative to widespread proportional sampling strategies.

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Multilingual Neural Semantic Parsing for Low-Resourced Languages
Menglin Xia | Emilio Monti
Proceedings of *SEM 2021: The Tenth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

Multilingual semantic parsing is a cost-effective method that allows a single model to understand different languages. However, researchers face a great imbalance of availability of training data, with English being resource rich, and other languages having much less data. To tackle the data limitation problem, we propose using machine translation to bootstrap multilingual training data from the more abundant English data. To compensate for the data quality of machine translated training data, we utilize transfer learning from pretrained multilingual encoders to further improve the model. To evaluate our multilingual models on human-written sentences as opposed to machine translated ones, we introduce a new multilingual semantic parsing dataset in English, Italian and Japanese based on the Facebook Task Oriented Parsing (TOP) dataset. We show that joint multilingual training with pretrained encoders substantially outperforms our baselines on the TOP dataset and outperforms the state-of-the-art model on the public NLMaps dataset. We also establish a new baseline for zero-shot learning on the TOP dataset. We find that a semantic parser trained only on English data achieves a zero-shot performance of 44.9% exact-match accuracy on Italian sentences.


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Transfer Learning for Neural Semantic Parsing
Xing Fan | Emilio Monti | Lambert Mathias | Markus Dreyer
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

The goal of semantic parsing is to map natural language to a machine interpretable meaning representation language (MRL). One of the constraints that limits full exploration of deep learning technologies for semantic parsing is the lack of sufficient annotation training data. In this paper, we propose using sequence-to-sequence in a multi-task setup for semantic parsing with focus on transfer learning. We explore three multi-task architectures for sequence-to-sequence model and compare their performance with the independently trained model. Our experiments show that the multi-task setup aids transfer learning from an auxiliary task with large labeled data to the target task with smaller labeled data. We see an absolute accuracy gain ranging from 1.0% to 4.4% in in our in-house data set and we also see good gains ranging from 2.5% to 7.0% on the ATIS semantic parsing tasks with syntactic and semantic auxiliary tasks.