LoRA-drop: Efficient LoRA Parameter Pruning based on Output Evaluation
Hongyun Zhou
Xiangyu Lu
Wang Xu
Conghui Zhu
Tiejun Zhao
Muyun Yang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is currently the most commonly used Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method. However, it still faces high computational and storage costs to models with billions of parameters. Most previous studies have tackled this issue by using pruning techniques. Nonetheless, these efforts only analyze LoRA parameter features to evaluate their importance, such as parameter count, size, and gradient. In fact, the output of LoRA directly impacts the fine-tuned model. Preliminary experiments indicate that a fraction of LoRA possesses significantly high output values, substantially influencing the layer output. Motivated by the observation, we propose LoRA-drop. Concretely, LoRA-drop evaluates the importance of LoRA based on the LoRA output. Then we retain LoRA for important layers and the other layers share the same LoRA. We conduct abundant experiments with models of different scales on NLU and NLG tasks. Results demonstrate that LoRA-drop can achieve performance comparable to full fine-tuning and LoRA while retaining 50% of the LoRA parameters on average.
A Chain-of-Task Framework for Instruction Tuning of LLMs Based on Chinese Grammatical Error Correction
Xinpeng Liu
Bing Xu
Muyun Yang
Hailong Cao
Conghui Zhu
Tiejun Zhao
Wenpeng Lu
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Over-correction is a critical issue for large language models (LLMs) to address Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) task, esp. for Chinese. This paper proposes a Chain-of-Task (CoTask) framework to reduce over-correction. The CoTask framework is applied as multi-task instruction tuning of LLMs by decomposing the process of grammatical error analysis to design auxiliary tasks and adjusting the types and combinations of training tasks. A supervised fine-tuning (SFT) strategy is also presented to enhance the performance of LLMs, together with an algorithm for automatic dataset annotation to avoid additional manual costs. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves new state-of-the-art results on both FCGEC (in-domain) and NaCGEC (out-of-domain) test sets.
DUAL-REFLECT: Enhancing Large Language Models for Reflective Translation through Dual Learning Feedback Mechanisms
Andong Chen
Lianzhang Lou
Kehai Chen
Xuefeng Bai
Yang Xiang
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Recently, large language models (LLMs) enhanced by self-reflection have achieved promising performance on machine transla004 tion. The key idea is guiding LLMs to generate translation with human-like feedback. However, existing self-reflection methods lack effective feedback information, limiting the translation performance. To address this, we introduce a DUAL-REFLECT framework, leveraging the dual learning of translation tasks to provide effective feedback, thereby enhancing the models’ self-reflective abilities and improving translation performance. The application of this method across various translation tasks has proven its effectiveness in improving translation accuracy and eliminating ambiguities, especially in translation tasks with low-resource language pairs.
Dynamic Planning for LLM-based Graphical User Interface Automation
Shaoqing Zhang
Zhuosheng Zhang
Kehai Chen
Xinbei Ma
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024
The advent of large language models (LLMs) has spurred considerable interest in advancing autonomous LLMs-based agents, particularly in intriguing applications within smartphone graphical user interfaces (GUIs). When presented with a task goal, these agents typically emulate human actions within a GUI environment until the task is completed. However, a key challenge lies in devising effective plans to guide action prediction in GUI tasks, though planning have been widely recognized as effective for decomposing complex tasks into a series of steps. Specifically, given the dynamic nature of environmental GUIs following action execution, it is crucial to dynamically adapt plans based on environmental feedback and action history.We show that the widely-used ReAct approach fails due to the excessively long historical dialogues. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach called Dynamic Planning of Thoughts (D-PoT) for LLM-based GUI agents.D-PoT involves the dynamic adjustment of planning based on the environmental feedback and execution history. Experimental results reveal that the proposed D-PoT significantly surpassed the strong GPT-4V baseline by +12.7% (34.66% → 47.36%) in accuracy. The analysis highlights the generality of dynamic planning in different backbone LLMs, as well as the benefits in mitigating hallucinations and adapting to unseen tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/sqzhang-lazy/D-PoT.
Self-Evaluation of Large Language Model based on Glass-box Features
Hui Huang
Yingqi Qu
Jing Liu
Muyun Yang
Bing Xu
Tiejun Zhao
Wenpeng Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024
The proliferation of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) underscores the pressing need for evaluation methods. Existing works primarily rely on external evaluators, focusing on training and prompting strategies. However, a crucial aspect – model-aware glass-box features – is overlooked. In this study, we explore the utility of glass-box features under the scenario of self-evaluation, namely applying an LLM to evaluate its own output. We investigate various glass-box feature groups and discovered that the softmax distribution serves as a reliable quality indicator for self-evaluation. Experimental results on public benchmarks validate the feasibility of self-evaluation of LLMs using glass-box features.
Improving Translation Quality Estimation with Bias Mitigation
Hui Huang
Shuangzhi Wu
Kehai Chen
Hui Di
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
State-of-the-art translation Quality Estimation (QE) models are proven to be biased. More specifically, they over-rely on monolingual features while ignoring the bilingual semantic alignment. In this work, we propose a novel method to mitigate the bias of the QE model and improve estimation performance. Our method is based on the contrastive learning between clean and noisy sentence pairs. We first introduce noise to the target side of the parallel sentence pair, forming the negative samples. With the original parallel pairs as the positive sample, the QE model is contrastively trained to distinguish the positive samples from the negative ones. This objective is jointly trained with the regression-style quality estimation, so as to prevent the QE model from overfitting to monolingual features. Experiments on WMT QE evaluation datasets demonstrate that our method improves the estimation performance by a large margin while mitigating the bias.
HIT-MI&T Lab’s Submission to Eval4NLP 2023 Shared Task
Rui Zhang
Fuhai Song
Hui Huang
Jinghao Yuan
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems
Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have boosted the research in natural language processing and shown impressive capabilities across numerous domains, including machine translation evaluation. This paper presents our methods developed for the machine translation evaluation sub-task of the Eval4NLP 2023 Shared Task. Based on the provided LLMs, we propose a generation-based method as well as a probability-based method to perform evaluation, explore different strategies when selecting the demonstrations for in-context learning, and try different ensemble methods to further improve the evaluation accuracy. The experiment results on the development set and test set demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Iterative Nearest Neighbour Machine Translation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Hui Huang
Shuangzhi Wu
Xinnian Liang
Zefan Zhou
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023
Unsupervised domain adaptation of machine translation, which adapts a pre-trained translation model to a specific domain without in-domain parallel data, has drawn extensive attention in recent years. However, most existing methods focus on the fine-tuning based techniques, which is non-extensible. In this paper, we propose a new method to perform unsupervised domain adaptation in a non-parametric manner. Our method only resorts to in-domain monolingual data, and we jointly perform nearest neighbour inference on both forward and backward translation directions. The forward translation model creates nearest neighbour datastore for the backward direction, and vice versa, strengthening each other in an iterative style. Experiments on multi-domain datasets demonstrate that our method significantly improves the in-domain translation performance and achieves state-of-the-art results among non-parametric methods.
中文专利关键信息语料库的构建研究(Research on the construction of Chinese patent key information corpus)
Wenting Zhang (张文婷)
Meihan Zhao (赵美含)
Yixuan Ma (马翊轩)
Wenrui Wang (王文瑞)
Yuzhe Liu (刘宇哲)
Muyun Yang (杨沐昀)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Grammar-Based Patches Generation for Automated Program Repair
Yu Tang
Long Zhou
Ambrosio Blanco
Shujie Liu
Furu Wei
Ming Zhou
Muyun Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021
End-to-End Speech Translation with Adversarial Training
Xuancai Li
Chen Kehai
Tiejun Zhao
Muyun Yang
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Automatic Simultaneous Translation
End-to-End speech translation usually leverages audio-to-text parallel data to train an available speech translation model which has shown impressive results on various speech translation tasks. Due to the artificial cost of collecting audio-to-text parallel data, the speech translation is a natural low-resource translation scenario, which greatly hinders its improvement. In this paper, we proposed a new adversarial training method to leverage target monolingual data to relieve the low-resource shortcoming of speech translation. In our method, the existing speech translation model is considered as a Generator to gain a target language output, and another neural Discriminator is used to guide the distinction between outputs of speech translation model and true target monolingual sentences. Experimental results on the CCMT 2019-BSTC dataset speech translation task demonstrate that the proposed methods can significantly improve the performance of the End-to-End speech translation system.
Robust Machine Reading Comprehension by Learning Soft labels
Zhenyu Zhao
Shuangzhi Wu
Muyun Yang
Kehai Chen
Tiejun Zhao
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Neural models have achieved great success on the task of machine reading comprehension (MRC), which are typically trained on hard labels. We argue that hard labels limit the model capability on generalization due to the label sparseness problem. In this paper, we propose a robust training method for MRC models to address this problem. Our method consists of three strategies, 1) label smoothing, 2) word overlapping, 3) distribution prediction. All of them help to train models on soft labels. We validate our approach on the representative architecture - ALBERT. Experimental results show that our method can greatly boost the baseline with 1% improvement in average, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on NewsQA and QUOREF.
Investigating the content and form of referring expressions in Mandarin: introducing the Mtuna corpus
Kees van Deemter
Le Sun
Rint Sybesma
Xiao Li
Bo Chen
Muyun Yang
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
East Asian languages are thought to handle reference differently from languages such as English, particularly in terms of the marking of definiteness and number. We present the first Data-Text corpus for Referring Expressions in Mandarin, and we use this corpus to test some initial hypotheses inspired by the theoretical linguistics literature. Our findings suggest that function words deserve more attention in Referring Expressions Generation than they have so far received, and they have a bearing on the debate about whether different languages make different trade-offs between clarity and brevity.
Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Document Modeling
Rui Lin
Shujie Liu
Muyun Yang
Mu Li
Ming Zhou
Sheng Li
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Learning Topic Representation for SMT with Neural Networks
Lei Cui
Dongdong Zhang
Shujie Liu
Qiming Chen
Mu Li
Ming Zhou
Muyun Yang
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
A Hierarchical Semantics-Aware Distributional Similarity Scheme
Shuqi Sun
Ke Sun
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Muyun Yang
Sheng Li
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Repairing Incorrect Translation with Examples
Junguo Zhu
Muyun Yang
Sheng Li
Tiejun Zhao
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Harvesting Related Entities with a Search Engine
Shuqi Sun
Shiqi Zhao
Muyun Yang
Haifeng Wang
Sheng Li
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Reexamination on Potential for Personalization in Web Search
Daren Li
Muyun Yang
HaoLiang Qi
Sheng Li
Tiejun Zhao
Coling 2010: Posters
Utilizing Variability of Time and Term Content, within and across Users in Session Detection
Shuqi Sun
Sheng Li
Muyun Yang
Haoliang Qi
Tiejun Zhao
Coling 2010: Posters
All in Strings: a Powerful String-based Automatic MT Evaluation Metric with Multiple Granularities
Junguo Zhu
Muyun Yang
Bo Wang
Sheng Li
Tiejun Zhao
Coling 2010: Posters
A Statistical Machine Translation Model Based on a Synthetic Synchronous Grammar
Hongfei Jiang
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Sheng Li
Bo Wang
Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers
References Extension for the Automatic Evaluation of MT by Syntactic Hybridization
Bo Wang
Tiejun Zhao
Muyun Yang
Sheng Li
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-3) at NAACL HLT 2009
A Study of Translation Rule Classification for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
Hongfei Jiang
Sheng Li
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-3) at NAACL HLT 2009
HIT-WSD: Using Search Engine for Multilingual Chinese-English Lexical Sample Task
PengYuan Liu
TieJun Zhao
MuYun Yang
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007)
Learning Chinese Bracketing Knowledge Based on a Bilingual Language Model
Yajuan Lü
Sheng Li
Tiejun Zhao
Muyun Yang
COLING 2002: The 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Automatic Detection of Prosody Phrase Boundaries for Text-to-Speech System
Xin Lv
Tie-jun Zhao
Zhan-yi Liu
Mu-yun Yang
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Statistics Based Hybrid Approach to Chinese Base Phrase Identification
Tie-jun Zhao
Mu-yun Yang
Fang Liu
Jian-min Yao
Hao Yu
Second Chinese Language Processing Workshop