Ondřej Klejch

Also published as: Ondrej Klejch


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Synthesising a Corpus of Gaelic Traditional Narrative with Cross-Lingual Text Expansion
William Lamb | Dongge Han | Ondrej Klejch | Beatrice Alex | Peter Bell
Proceedings of the 5th Celtic Language Technology Workshop

Advances in large language modelling have disproportionately benefited high-resource languages due to their vastly greater training data reserves. This paper proposes a novel cross-lingual text expansion (XLTE) technique using multilingual large language models (MLLMs) to mitigate data sparsity in low-resource languages. We apply XLTE to the domain of traditional Scottish Gaelic storytelling to generate a training corpus suitable for language modelling, for example as part of an automatic speech recognition system. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated using OpenAI’s GPT-4o, with supervised fine-tuning (SFT) providing decreased neologism rates and a 57.2% reduction in perplexity over the baseline model. Despite these promising results, qualitative analyses reveal important stylistic divergences between synthesised and genuine data. Nevertheless, XLTE offers a promising, scalable method for synthesising training sets in other languages and domains, opening avenues for further improvements in low-resource language modelling.


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European Language Grid: A Joint Platform for the European Language Technology Community
Georg Rehm | Stelios Piperidis | Kalina Bontcheva | Jan Hajic | Victoria Arranz | Andrejs Vasiļjevs | Gerhard Backfried | Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez | Ulrich Germann | Rémi Calizzano | Nils Feldhus | Stefanie Hegele | Florian Kintzel | Katrin Marheinecke | Julian Moreno-Schneider | Dimitris Galanis | Penny Labropoulou | Miltos Deligiannis | Katerina Gkirtzou | Athanasia Kolovou | Dimitris Gkoumas | Leon Voukoutis | Ian Roberts | Jana Hamrlova | Dusan Varis | Lukas Kacena | Khalid Choukri | Valérie Mapelli | Mickaël Rigault | Julija Melnika | Miro Janosik | Katja Prinz | Andres Garcia-Silva | Cristian Berrio | Ondrej Klejch | Steve Renals
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Europe is a multilingual society, in which dozens of languages are spoken. The only option to enable and to benefit from multilingualism is through Language Technologies (LT), i.e., Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies. We describe the European Language Grid (ELG), which is targeted to evolve into the primary platform and marketplace for LT in Europe by providing one umbrella platform for the European LT landscape, including research and industry, enabling all stakeholders to upload, share and distribute their services, products and resources. At the end of our EU project, which will establish a legal entity in 2022, the ELG will provide access to approx. 1300 services for all European languages as well as thousands of data sets.


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European Language Grid: An Overview
Georg Rehm | Maria Berger | Ela Elsholz | Stefanie Hegele | Florian Kintzel | Katrin Marheinecke | Stelios Piperidis | Miltos Deligiannis | Dimitris Galanis | Katerina Gkirtzou | Penny Labropoulou | Kalina Bontcheva | David Jones | Ian Roberts | Jan Hajič | Jana Hamrlová | Lukáš Kačena | Khalid Choukri | Victoria Arranz | Andrejs Vasiļjevs | Orians Anvari | Andis Lagzdiņš | Jūlija Meļņika | Gerhard Backfried | Erinç Dikici | Miroslav Janosik | Katja Prinz | Christoph Prinz | Severin Stampler | Dorothea Thomas-Aniola | José Manuel Gómez-Pérez | Andres Garcia Silva | Christian Berrío | Ulrich Germann | Steve Renals | Ondrej Klejch
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

With 24 official EU and many additional languages, multilingualism in Europe and an inclusive Digital Single Market can only be enabled through Language Technologies (LTs). European LT business is dominated by hundreds of SMEs and a few large players. Many are world-class, with technologies that outperform the global players. However, European LT business is also fragmented – by nation states, languages, verticals and sectors, significantly holding back its impact. The European Language Grid (ELG) project addresses this fragmentation by establishing the ELG as the primary platform for LT in Europe. The ELG is a scalable cloud platform, providing, in an easy-to-integrate way, access to hundreds of commercial and non-commercial LTs for all European languages, including running tools and services as well as data sets and resources. Once fully operational, it will enable the commercial and non-commercial European LT community to deposit and upload their technologies and data sets into the ELG, to deploy them through the grid, and to connect with other resources. The ELG will boost the Multilingual Digital Single Market towards a thriving European LT community, creating new jobs and opportunities. Furthermore, the ELG project organises two open calls for up to 20 pilot projects. It also sets up 32 national competence centres and the European LT Council for outreach and coordination purposes.


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The SUMMA Platform Prototype
Renars Liepins | Ulrich Germann | Guntis Barzdins | Alexandra Birch | Steve Renals | Susanne Weber | Peggy van der Kreeft | Hervé Bourlard | João Prieto | Ondřej Klejch | Peter Bell | Alexandros Lazaridis | Alfonso Mendes | Sebastian Riedel | Mariana S. C. Almeida | Pedro Balage | Shay B. Cohen | Tomasz Dwojak | Philip N. Garner | Andreas Giefer | Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt | Hina Imran | David Nogueira | Ahmed Ali | Sebastião Miranda | Andrei Popescu-Belis | Lesly Miculicich Werlen | Nikos Papasarantopoulos | Abiola Obamuyide | Clive Jones | Fahim Dalvi | Andreas Vlachos | Yang Wang | Sibo Tong | Rico Sennrich | Nikolaos Pappas | Shashi Narayan | Marco Damonte | Nadir Durrani | Sameer Khurana | Ahmed Abdelali | Hassan Sajjad | Stephan Vogel | David Sheppey | Chris Hernon | Jeff Mitchell
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We present the first prototype of the SUMMA Platform: an integrated platform for multilingual media monitoring. The platform contains a rich suite of low-level and high-level natural language processing technologies: automatic speech recognition of broadcast media, machine translation, automated tagging and classification of named entities, semantic parsing to detect relationships between entities, and automatic construction / augmentation of factual knowledge bases. Implemented on the Docker platform, it can easily be deployed, customised, and scaled to large volumes of incoming media streams.


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Tools and Guidelines for Principled Machine Translation Development
Nora Aranberri | Eleftherios Avramidis | Aljoscha Burchardt | Ondřej Klejch | Martin Popel | Maja Popović
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

This work addresses the need to aid Machine Translation (MT) development cycles with a complete workflow of MT evaluation methods. Our aim is to assess, compare and improve MT system variants. We hereby report on novel tools and practices that support various measures, developed in order to support a principled and informed approach of MT development. Our toolkit for automatic evaluation showcases quick and detailed comparison of MT system variants through automatic metrics and n-gram feedback, along with manual evaluation via edit-distance, error annotation and task-based feedback.
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