Yuxuan Chen


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CoMIF: Modeling of Complex Multiple Interaction Factors for Conversation Generation
Yuxuan Chen | Wei Wei | Shixuan Fan | Kaihe Xu | Dangyang Chen
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Highly realistic human-machine interaction is challenging for open-domain dialogue systems. Although existing methods have achieved notable progress by leveraging various interaction factors (e.g., emotion, personality, topic) for delivering human-like (e.g., empathetic, personalized and semantically-consistent) responses, they typically model such factor alone and thus easily suffer from low-quality response generation issue. We attribute this limitation to the neglect of implicit-correlations among factors. Furthermore, different factors may alternately dominate token-level response generation during decoding, making it harder to generate high-quality responses by applying various factors at the sentence level. To address the issue, we present a unified response generation framework, which is capable of simultaneously modeling Complex Multiple Interaction Factors (named CoMIF) to generate human-like conversations. To model the implicit correlations among factors, CoMIF first employ a dynamic perception module to construct a directed collaborative-graph to jointly learn the dynamics over time of each factor, as well as the cross-dependencies among them. Additionally, we also design a scalable post-adaptation module to introduce token-level factor signals to generate more human-like responses with appropriately multiple factors. Extensive experiments over multiple datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves the superior performance in generating more human-like responses with appropriate multiple-factors, as compared to the state-of-the-art methods.


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OpenWebAgent: An Open Toolkit to Enable Web Agents on Large Language Models
Iat Long Iong | Xiao Liu | Yuxuan Chen | Hanyu Lai | Shuntian Yao | Pengbo Shen | Hao Yu | Yuxiao Dong | Jie Tang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

We introduce OpenWebAgent, an open toolkit designed to optimize web automation by integrating both large language models (LLMs) and large multimodal models (LMMs). This toolkit focuses on enhancing human-computer interactions on the web, simplifying complex tasks through an advanced HTML parser, a rapid action generation module, and an intuitive user interface. At the core of OpenWebAgent is an innovative web agent framework that uses a modular design to allow developers to seamlessly integrate a variety of models and tools to process web information and automate tasks on the web. This enables the development of powerful, task-oriented web agents, significantly enhancing user experience and operational efficiency on the web. The OpenWebAgent framework, Chrome plugin, and demo video are available at https://github.com/THUDM/OpenWebAgent/.

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Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge Integration into Language Models: A Survey
Yuxuan Chen | Daniel Röder | Justus-Jonas Erker | Leonhard Hennig | Philippe Thomas | Sebastian Möller | Roland Roller
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Towards Knowledgeable Language Models (KnowLLM 2024)

This survey analyses how external knowledge can be integrated into language models in the context of retrieval-augmentation.The main goal of this work is to give an overview of: (1) Which external knowledge can be augmented? (2) Given a knowledge source, how to retrieve from it and then integrate the retrieved knowledge? To achieve this, we define and give a mathematical formulation of retrieval-augmented knowledge integration (RAKI). We discuss retrieval and integration techniques separately in detail, for each of the following knowledge formats: knowledge graph, tabular and natural language.


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Multilingual Relation Classification via Efficient and Effective Prompting
Yuxuan Chen | David Harbecke | Leonhard Hennig
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Prompting pre-trained language models has achieved impressive performance on various NLP tasks, especially in low data regimes. Despite the success of prompting in monolingual settings, applying prompt-based methods in multilingual scenarios has been limited to a narrow set of tasks, due to the high cost of handcrafting multilingual prompts. In this paper, we present the first work on prompt-based multilingual relation classification (RC), by introducing an efficient and effective method that constructs prompts from relation triples and involves only minimal translation for the class labels. We evaluate its performance in fully supervised, few-shot and zero-shot scenarios, and analyze its effectiveness across 14 languages, prompt variants, and English-task training in cross-lingual settings. We find that in both fully supervised and few-shot scenarios, our prompt method beats competitive baselines: fine-tuning XLM-R_EM and null prompts. It also outperforms the random baseline by a large margin in zero-shot experiments. Our method requires little in-language knowledge and can be used as a strong baseline for similar multilingual classification tasks.

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Why only Micro-F1? Class Weighting of Measures for Relation Classification
David Harbecke | Yuxuan Chen | Leonhard Hennig | Christoph Alt
Proceedings of NLP Power! The First Workshop on Efficient Benchmarking in NLP

Relation classification models are conventionally evaluated using only a single measure, e.g., micro-F1, macro-F1 or AUC. In this work, we analyze weighting schemes, such as micro and macro, for imbalanced datasets. We introduce a framework for weighting schemes, where existing schemes are extremes, and two new intermediate schemes. We show that reporting results of different weighting schemes better highlights strengths and weaknesses of a model.

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A Comparative Study of Pre-trained Encoders for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
Yuxuan Chen | Jonas Mikkelsen | Arne Binder | Christoph Alt | Leonhard Hennig
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

Pre-trained language models (PLM) are effective components of few-shot named entity recognition (NER) approaches when augmented with continued pre-training on task-specific out-of-domain data or fine-tuning on in-domain data. However, their performance in low-resource scenarios, where such data is not available, remains an open question. We introduce an encoder evaluation framework, and use it to systematically compare the performance of state-of-the-art pre-trained representations on the task of low-resource NER. We analyze a wide range of encoders pre-trained with different strategies, model architectures, intermediate-task fine-tuning, and contrastive learning. Our experimental results across ten benchmark NER datasets in English and German show that encoder performance varies significantly, suggesting that the choice of encoder for a specific low-resource scenario needs to be carefully evaluated.


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Query-Key Normalization for Transformers
Alex Henry | Prudhvi Raj Dachapally | Shubham Shantaram Pawar | Yuxuan Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Low-resource language translation is a challenging but socially valuable NLP task. Building on recent work adapting the Transformer’s normalization to this setting, we propose QKNorm, a normalization technique that modifies the attention mechanism to make the softmax function less prone to arbitrary saturation without sacrificing expressivity. Specifically, we apply l2-normalization along the head dimension of each query and key matrix prior to multiplying them and then scale up by a learnable parameter instead of dividing by the square root of the embedding dimension. We show improvements averaging 0.928 BLEU over state-of-the-art bilingual benchmarks for 5 low-resource translation pairs from the TED Talks corpus and IWSLT’15.