Manage mentors
This page shows a list of mentors. Administrators can remove mentors that violate community standards or policies. They can also edit their mentorship-related options, such as their introduction message. The list of mentors is stored in MediaWiki namespace, including history.
To enroll as a mentor, go to Special:EnrollAsMentor.
Mentors automatically assigned to new accounts
When a newcomer registers their Wikipedia account, one of the following users is automatically assigned as their mentor.
# | Username | Laas aktief | Number of newcomers assigned | Status | Message for newcomers |
1 | Oesjaar (besprekings | bydraes) | 18:51, 11 Januarie 2025 | Gemiddeld (die verstek) | Aktief | Ek het meer as 16,000 artikels op die Arikaanss Wikipedia geskep.. |
2 | Rooiratel (besprekings | bydraes) | 16:08, 22 Desember 2024 | Gemiddeld (die verstek) | Aktief | Hallo en welkom by Wikipedia! Ek is Rooiratel, en ek is hier om enige vrae wat jy mag hê oor die redigering van Wikipedia te beantwoord. |
Mentors who manually select their mentees
New accounts aren’t automatically assigned to these mentors. Mentors in this list will only mentor accounts they personally select, making this feature ideal for workshop hosts who wish to continue mentoring participants.