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Discover the images of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Dive into the wonder of everything from Black Holes to X-ray Binaries. Below you can find various ways to find just the images you are looking for.
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Finding Chandra Images
Chandra images by date
Images by Date
All Chandra images released to the public listed in chronological order from First Light to the present.
'24  '23  '22  '21  '20  '19  '18  '17  '16  '15  '14  '13  '12  '11  '10  '09  '08  '07  '06  '05  '04  
'03  '02  '01  '00  '99
Sky Map
Sky Map
Explore the X-ray sky with an interactive Sky Map, and learn about Galactic Navigation.
Chandra for Kids
Chandra for Kids
In cooperation with Space Scoop: Bringing news from across the Universe to children all around the world. Universe Awareness and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Background information on selected constellations and links to objects observed within them.
Top Rated Images
Top Rated Images
You can vote on your favorite images. This top rated Chandra images page will change over time.
Chandra Image Tools
Special Features
Special Features
Interactive pieces presenting Chandra images in unique ways. Includes comparisons with art images, additional scientific contexts, and other interactive explorations by date or category.
Multiwavelenghth Images
Multiwavelength Images
Explore these interactive images by turning on and off the different kinds of light incorporated into the composite (X-ray, optical, radio, infrared, etc).
Image Hanouts
Image Handouts
Chandra X-ray Observatory images with short captions that may be printed on a single page.
Bring the Chandra X-ray Observatory to your PC with our Desktop Patterns/Wallpapers.
The Big Chandra Picture
The Big Chandra Picture
Our photo blog presents some of Chandra's most spectacular images in a large and shareable format.
With a basic understanding of astronomy data and image processing software, you can create your own astronomy images from FITS files.
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Learn More
X-ray Images 101
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images made?
Find out in X-ray
Images 101
Image Use
Conditions of Use of Images, Products or Technologies (materials)

The images on this web site may be used for non-commercial educational and public information purposes. Please credit images to "NASA/CXC/SAO" unless other credits are given. In that case, credit the appropriate organization(s) or person(s) as they are listed with the image on our site.

To request permission to use Chandra images, video or other media, please use our Permission Request Form. If you have further questions, or a special condition, please contact:
Kathy Lestition, Education/Outreach Coordinator,
([email protected])
FAX: 617.495.7356

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
60 Garden Street, MS 6
Cambridge, MA 02138
