David W. Dunlap is a Metro reporter and writes the Building Blocks column. He has worked at The Times for 40 years.
大卫·W·登莱普(David W. Dunlap)是一位本地新闻记者,同时也是“筑城”(Building Blocks)专栏的作者,已在《纽约时报》工作了40年。
Pulitzer day is usually a very happy one in the newsroom. This year was no exception, as Dean Baquet, the executive editor, let a jubilant staff know that The Times had won three prizes.
每逢普利策奖(Pulitzer)的颁奖日,新闻编辑部里通常都弥漫着欢欣鼓舞的氛围。今年也不例外:当主编迪恩·巴奎(Dean Baquet)宣布时报夺得了三个奖项的时候,全体员工一片欢腾。
But happy-ever-after is not much of a journalistic motif, and the history of The Times’s 97-year relationship with the Pulitzers includes sour, tragic, unexpected and disappointing endings.
Begin with Walter Duranty’s 1932 award for dispatches from the Soviet Union; our “Guilty With an Explanation” prize, the only framed tribute in the 15th-floor Pulitzer gallery that contains a description of what went wrong with the correspondent’s reporting.“Duranty’s cabled dispatches had to pass Soviet censorship, and Stalin’s propaganda machine was powerful and omnipresent,” the explanation goes. “Duranty’s analyses relied on official sources as his primary source of information, accounting for the most significant flaw in his coverage — his consistent underestimation of Stalin’s brutality.”
就从沃尔特·杜兰蒂(Walter Duranty)凭借从苏联发回的报道,而在1932年获奖说起吧。那是“我们为之感到惭愧但可以做出解释”(Guilty With an Explanation)的一个奖项,在15楼的陈列室,框起来的荣誉证书里,只有这一个附有记者在报道中犯了何种错误的说明。“杜兰蒂通过电报发回的稿件必须经过苏联审查,斯大林(Stalin)的宣传机器既强大又无所不在,”说明文字这样写道。“杜兰蒂的信息主要来自官方来源,致使其报道存在重大瑕疵——他对斯大林的暴虐一直估计不足。”
1932年获得普利策奖的沃尔特·杜兰蒂。时报曾被要求归还这一奖项。 The New York Times
The Times’s own assessment of Duranty’s performance noted his failure to account for the disastrous impact of Stalin’s forced collectivization of farming, which had especially ruinous consequences in Ukraine, where famine killed millions in the years after he won the prize.
“Ukrainian-American and other organizations have repeatedly called on the Pulitzer Prize board to cancel Duranty’s prize and The Times to return it, mainly on the ground of his later failure to report the famine,” the account continues. “The Pulitzer board has twice declined to withdraw the award, most recently in November 2003, finding ‘no clear and convincing evidence of deliberate deception’ in the 1931 reporting that won the prize, and” — P.S. — “The Times does not have the award in its possession.”
Five years later, the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished dispatches for Europe was Anne O’Hare McCormick. No disgrace attaches to this prize. Instead, it is a fitting tribute to a remarkable pioneer: a woman in the field of foreign correspondence in an era, and at a newspaper, where such a thing was just about unimaginable. Hers was also one of the few voices at the paper to acknowledge publicly, while it was happening, the nature and dimension of the Holocaust.
杜兰蒂得奖5年后,安妮·欧黑尔·麦克米克(Anne O’Hare McCormick)因为对欧洲的出色报道斩获了普利策奖。这个奖项没有任何不体面之处。相反,它是对一位出色先驱性人物的恰当褒扬:在那样一个时代,一位女性居然当起了驻外记者,而且是时报的驻外记者,真的令人难以想象。犹太人大屠杀发生的当时,她是少数几个在报纸上对大屠杀的性质和规模做出公开报道的人之一。
”There is not the slightest question,” she wrote on March 3, 1943, ”that the persecution of the Jews has reached its awful climax in a campaign to wipe them out of Europe. If the Christian community does not support to the utmost the belated proposal worked out to rescue the Jews remaining in Europe from the fate prepared for them, we have accepted the Hitlerian thesis and forever compromised the principles for which we are pouring out blood and wealth.”
安妮·欧黑尔·麦克米克1937年获优秀外国报道奖。 The New York Times
The downbeat ending to the story of Mrs. McCormick’s prize is that another 33 years would pass before a woman on the staff of The Times would win a Pulitzer again. That was Ada Louise Huxtable, in 1970, for her distinguished architectural criticism. And then another 13 years elapsed before a Pulitzer was conferred on a Timeswoman: the reporter Nan Robertson, who chronicled her own experience with toxic shock syndrome.Tragedy has accompanied the Pulitzer. Within months of winning the 1994 prize in feature photography — for a wrenching picture of an emaciated Sudanese girl who had collapsed under the gaze of a nearby vulture as she tried to reach a feeding center — Kevin Carter was himself dead of carbon monoxide poisoning, an apparent suicide at 33.
麦克米克的获奖有个令人悲观的结局,那就是直到33年之后,时报才又出了一名荣获普利策奖的女性。1970年,艾达·露易丝·赫克斯泰勃尔(Ada Louise Huxtable)凭借出色的建筑评论获奖。然后,又过了13年,才又有一名时报女性获得普利策奖:记者南·罗伯逊(Nan Robertson),她记录了自己出现中毒性休克症状的亲身经历。悲剧一直伴随着普利策奖。凯文·卡特(Kevin Carter)在获得1994年普利策专题摄影奖几个月后死于一氧化碳中毒,时年33岁,他明显是自杀的。他的获奖作品是一个在前往营养中心的途中瘫倒在地的苏丹女孩,她骨瘦如柴,近旁还有一只秃鹰凝视着。
The photograph had been published first in The New York Times and in The Mail & Guardian, a Johannesburg weekly. “Later it was displayed in many other publications as a metaphor for Africa’s despair,” Bill Keller wrote in his obituary of Mr. Carter.
这幅照片最早发表在《纽约时报》和约翰内斯堡的周报《邮报卫报》(Mail & Guardian)上。比尔·凯勒(Bill Keller)在为卡特撰写的讣告中写道,“它后来被发表在了许多其他刊物上,暗示着非洲的绝望。”
1970年,艾达·露易丝·赫克斯泰勃尔和执行主编A·M·罗森索庆祝她荣获普利策奖。她是自麦克米克之后,第一个获此殊荣的时报员工。 Librado Romero/The New York Times
(An editor’s note in March 1993 said many readers had wondered about the fate of the girl. “The photographer reports that she recovered enough to resume her trek after the vulture was chased away,” The Times said. “It is not known whether she reached the center.”)
过了13年,才另有一名女性南·罗伯逊荣获普利策奖。 Sara Krulwich/The New York Times
In a breathtaking coda to the afternoon in April 2002, when he led the celebration of The Times’s record-breaking seven Pulitzer Prizes, Howell Raines resigned as executive editor 14 months later, undone by events including the exposure of Jayson Blair’s fraudulent reporting.And even at this year’s celebration, there were those in the newsroom — their memories of Pulitzer day in 2013 still vivid — who were not quite ready to draw an easy breath until every last marathoner crossed the finish line in Boston.
2002年4月的一天下午,豪厄尔·雷恩斯(Howell Raines)主持活动,庆祝时报获得破纪录的七个普利策奖项。但14个月后,这些荣誉却出人意料地结束了,雷恩斯宣布辞去主编职务。牵连他辞职的是包括杰森·布莱尔(Jayson Blair)的虚假报道在内的一系列事件。即便在今年的庆祝活动中,编辑部也有一些人屏住呼吸,等待波士顿马拉松的每一名选手都冲过终点线——他们对2013年普利策奖宣布当天发生的情景仍然记忆犹新。