Samples for Public Display

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Home Samples for EducationSamples for Public Display

Public Display Samples

NASA provides for a limited number of rock samples to be used for either short-term or long-term displays at museums, planetariums, expositions, or professional events that are open to the public. Requests for such display samples are administratively handled by the JSC Public Affairs Office (PAO).

Requestors should apply in writing to the following address:

  • Mr. Jack Moore
  • JSC Lunar Sample Program Manager
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
  • Mail Code AD911
  • 2101 NASA Parkway
  • Houston, Texas 77058-3696
  • Telephone: 281-792-8579
  • Email: [email protected]

Mr. Moore will advise successful applicants regarding provisions for receipt, display, and return of the samples. All loans will be preceded by a signed loan agreement executed between NASA and the requestor's organization. Mr. Moore will coordinate the preparation of new display samples with the Lunar Sample Curator.