Last updated Oct 24, 2024


This page includes release notes and updates for Jira Cloud app developers. Use this page to keep track of upcoming changes, deprecation notices, new features, and feature updates from Jira Cloud Platform.

Forge changelog

For updates about changes to the Forge platform, see the Forge changelog in the Forge documentation.

Go to our developer community to ask questions. You may also be interested in the What's New blog for Atlassian Cloud where details of major changes that affect all users of the Jira Cloud products are announced.

24 October 2024

Deprecation Notice  Transition to Grouped View for Notification Experiences

We are announcing the deprecation of the List view for notification experiences in the Bell Drawer and Full Page Notifications (FPN). The Bell Drawer and FPN will exclusively utilise the Grouped view for rendering notifications. This transition is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance performance and reduce costs by minimising reliance on Global Secondary Indexes (GSIs).

Key Changes:

Bell Drawer: Will default to using the Grouped view, with the option to switch to the list view being phased out.

Full Page Notifications (FPN): Will fully transition to the Grouped view for consistent and efficient notification rendering.

22 October 2024

Deprecation Notice Changes to Issue properties API

The fields baseline_start (also known as Target start) and baseline_end (also known as Target end) will no longer be available via the Issue properties API.

Moving forward, the Edit Issue API will be the only supported method for updating these properties.

Note: You can still access the existing values using the Issue properties API. However, any updates to these values will not appear in the UI, and they may not reflect the most current information.

This change will take effect on or after November 22, 2024.

More details

What You Need to Do

To adapt to this change, please start using the Edit Issue REST API for updating the baseline_start and baseline_end fields.

If you're unsure how to implement these updates, here's a quick guide:

  • Use the Get Edit Issue Metadata API to get the list of the fields

  • From the response, get the custom field ids where the schema.custom is com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start or com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 { "fields": { "customfield_10022": { "required": false, "schema": { "type": "date", "custom": "com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-start", "customId": 10022 }, "name": "Target start", "key": "customfield_10022", "operations": [ "set" ] }, "customfield_10023": { "required": false, "schema": { "type": "date", "custom": "com.atlassian.jpo:jpo-custom-field-baseline-end", "customId": 10023 }, "name": "Target end", "key": "customfield_10023", "operations": [ "set" ] }, } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 { "fields": { "customfield_10022": "2024-09-21", "customfield_10023": "2024-11-21" } }

Announcement Withdrawing issue creation permissions for the ACJIRA project

The Atlassian Connect in Jira Cloud project in the Atlassian Ecosystem Jira tracks issues with Atlassian Connect in Jira and its REST API. To improve response times, we’re no longer accepting new issues in this Jira project as of this announcement. Instead, we encourage our partners to file issues with Developer and Marketplace support.

Announcement Withdrawing issue creation permissions for the ACEJS and ACSPRING projects

The Atlassian Connect Spring Boot and Atlassian Connect Express (Node.js) projects in the Atlassian Ecosystem Jira track issues with the two frameworks. To improve response times, we’re no longer accepting new issues in these Jira projects as of this announcement. Instead, we encourage our partners to file issues with Developer and Marketplace support.

21 October 2024

Announcement New Jira modules now support the changeWindowTitle method

The following Jira modules: global page, admin page, project settings page, and project page now support the changeWindowTitle method. Using the @forge/bridge API and the view object, you can set a custom title for the current document.

You can find the full documentation for this feature here: Forge bridge API.

18 October 2024

Removed The ‘to’ and ‘from’ fields can no longer be used in workflow transitions

We have extended the date from Oct 14, 2024 to the Oct 28, 2024

As per CHANGE-1770 from Oct 28, 2024, the to and from properties in workflow transitions will no longer be available in the following APIs:

From now on, you must use the links and toStatusReference properties to create transitions.

Announcement UI modifications support new fields

The UI modifications (UIM) module now supports three new fields on the issue create modal:

The complete list of supported fields is available here.

Announcement New Jira Software Forge product events for boards

We’re happy to introduce new Jira Software Forge product events for boards:

  • board created - avi:jira-software:created:board

  • board updated - avi:jira-software:updated:board

  • board deleted - avi:jira-software:deleted:board

  • board configuration changed - avi:jira-software:configuration-changed:board

Follow the link above to read more about them.

15 October 2024

Removed The webhook events for epic and subtask link created and deleted are removed

Rollout: This change will be applied to all sites over the coming weeks.

The issuelink_created and issuelink_deleted webhook events, where style is jira_gh_epic_story or jira_subtask, are no longer available. This follows the previous deprecation notice (see Change 5). We recommend using the parent field from the jira:issue_created or jira:issue_updated events instead.

Note: All other issuelink_created and issuelink_deleted webhook events are still available.

Early Access Jira and JSM cloud navigation changes (EAP)

The Jira and JSM cloud navigation changes as previously mentioned are now available in EAP. This Early Access Program will enable partners to test the new navigation and assess how apps will adapt to the proposed changes.

As part of EAP, we’ve set up a dedicated group on CDAC where you’ll be able to discuss these changes. Please note that the designs in the EAP are not final, so you are NOT expected to make any changes to your apps during the EAP. For partners who previously expressed interest, the new navigation will be activated to the test instances today.

To join this Early Access Program, register using the EAP form.

More details

See RFC-45 for more information on Jira and JSM Cloud navigation changes

14 October 2024

Announcement Shorter Migration Downtimes is now Generally Available

We are thrilled to announce Shorter Migration Downtimes feature is now generally available. This functionality aims to reduce downtime during realm migrations. The default downtime for app data migrations has been reduced from 24 hours to 2 hours.

Learn more about shorter migration downtimes for Connect apps.

Added UI modifications now support screen tabs

We’re pleased to announce that Jira now supports UI modifications for screen tabs. See the documentation for screen tabs for more details.

11 October 2024

Added Multiple concurrent app support for UI modifications

We’re pleased to announce that Jira now supports multiple concurrent UI modifications apps. This means that up to five UIM apps can now run for a given combination of project, issue type, and view type. See the documentation for Multiple UIM apps for more details.

8 October 2024

Added Update to Project update API - releasing previous project keys

When updating a Jira project via the API, you can now release project keys so that they can be reused. To do so, pass releasedProjectKeys as an array of keys to release. There are two conditions before you release a project key:

  • Released keys must belong to the given project.

  • Released keys must not contain the currently active project key.

In addition, there are caveats to releasing previous project keys such as that any links, filters, queries, and marketplace apps which use your previous keys might no longer work.

More details

2 October 2024

Added REST API to fetch configuration for multiple Forge fields

We’ve added a new REST endpoint that allows you to fetch configurations for multiple Forge custom fields at the same time.

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