Last updated Apr 12, 2021


Debugging is the process of finding and fixing problems in your code. This page describes how to debug Forge apps, including:

  • How to diagnose problems using debugging features of the Forge platform, such as logging and tunneling.
  • How to identify different types of problems, such as UI kit errors.

This information will also help you when monitoring apps that are already installed on a user's site.

Invoking functions

To invoke a function that you want to debug, such as a scheduled trigger or product trigger for an unusual event, consider configuring a web trigger for the function. See the Add scheduled trigger guide as an example.

Diagnosing problems

Forge provides a number of features to help you diagnose problems with your app, such as tunneling and logging. The following section describes these features and how to use them.

If you plan to share your app with other users, make sure your logs don't contain any sensitive or inappropriate content. For more information, see our Logging guidelines for app developers.


Logging messages to the console is a common process for debugging code. Forge supports logging via the forge logs CLI command, which shows the logs for your deployed app.

The forge logs command works like this:

  1. Insert console.log() statements into your app’s code. For example, you may want to inspect values of variables as the code executes. Tip: If you want to pretty print a JSON object, use a statement like console.log(JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 2)).
  2. Deploy and run your app.
  3. In the CLI, run forge logs.

The output of your logging statements will be shown in the CLI. For example:

INFO  2020-01-22T06:36:33.843Z f93rfad-1234-d920-a98r-9aendas93 Number of comments on this page: 2

Each logging statement has the following structure:

  • Logging level, for example, INFO, WARN, ERROR, etc.

  • Timestamp in UTC format in "verbose mode”, that is, a longer format.

  • Invocation ID

  • Logging message

    Logs are only available when a console.log statement is made from:

    Logging made from your front-end (UI Kit) will not be available through the forge logs command, and can only be accessed using browser's developer console.

Options for the forge logs command

You can use a number of options with the forge logs command to modify the data returned:

forge logs --verbose: Adding the verbose option shows log statements with their attached metadata. Nested JSON objects are shown as a string. For example:

INFO  2020-01-22T06:36:33.843Z 194b0adb-7362-4f0d-8fc9-6ee950bea769 Number of comments on this page: 2
    App version: 1001000
    Function name: main

forge logs --grouped: Adding the grouped option shows log statements grouped by Invocation ID. For example:

invocation: 194b0adb-7362-4f0d-8fc9-6ee950bea769
INFO  06:36:33.843Z Number of comments on this page: 2

invocation: b3d763d0-2ebd-40fe-88a4-79e8170f8c48
INFO  01:09:26.988Z Number of comments on this page: 0

forge logs --verbose --grouped: Adding both the verbose and grouped options shows log statements grouped by Invocation ID with the attached metadata. For example:

│ App version    1001000                              │
│ Invocation ID  194b0adb-7362-4f0d-8fc9-6ee950bea769 │
│ Function name  main                                 │

INFO  2020-01-22T06:36:33.843Z 194b0adb-7362-4f0d-8fc9-6ee950bea769 Number of comments on this page: 2
    App version: 1001000
    Function name: main

│ App version    6                                    │
│ Invocation ID  b3d763d0-2ebd-40fe-88a4-79e8170f8c48 │
│ Function name  main                                 │

INFO  2020-02-21T01:09:26.988Z b3d763d0-2ebd-40fe-88a4-79e8170f8c48 Number of comments on this page: 0
    App version: 6
    Function name: main

Platform limits affecting logging

Forge limits the amount of data you can log per invocation. Be mindful of these limits when debugging your app:

Log lines per invocation100Maximum number of log entries per invocation.
Log size per invocation200KBMaximum size of all log line data generated per invocation.
Log file size per download100MBMaximum file size of filtered logs per download.
Log lines per download96,000Maximum number of log entries per download.

See Platform quotas and limits for a complete list of related limits.

Identifying problems

Forge has error handling for common app issues, such as not implementing UI kit components in the correct order. This helps you identify bugs, which you can investigate using tools such as logging. The following section describes the types of errors that are captured and where to view them.

UI kit 1 errors

Component composition errors: Returned if a component is not implemented in the correct order, according to the hierarchy for UI kit components. For example, a TextField must always be implemented in a Form. These errors are shown in the app UI. For example: UI kit component composition error example

Component import errors: Returned if a component is used in your app's code but not imported. For example, your app's code contains <Text>hello</Text> but it is missing import { Text } from "@forge/ui". These errors are shown in the app UI and Forge logs and tunnel. For example: UI kit missing component error example Error shown in the logs:

INFO  2020-02-25T23:58:58.705Z 3d462797-22f5-438e-8be2-a18ab379b35b undefined {"name":"ReferenceError","message":"Text is not defined","stack":"ReferenceError: Text is not defined\n    at Object.App [as type] (index.js:23753:24)\n    at index.js:23382:26\n    at async index.js:23570:25"}

Error shown in the tunnel:

INFO  14:57:13.286 Number of comments on this page: 0
INFO  14:57:13.287 {"name":"ReferenceError","message":"Text is not defined","stack":"ReferenceError: Text is not defined\n    at Object.App [as type] (webpack-internal:///73:12883:24)\n    at eval (webpack-internal:///73:12512:26)\n    at async eval (webpack-internal:///73:12700:25)"}
ERROR 14:57:13.290 {"name":"FUNCTION_ERR"}
Error: Text is not defined

General coding errors

JSX errors: Returned for general JSX compile-time errors. For example, syntax errors. These errors are shown in the Forge CLI during deployment or while tunneling. A stack trace is also shown. For example:

✕ Deploying hello-world-app to development...
ℹ Packaging app files
Error: Bundling failed: ./src/index.jsx
Module build failed (from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):
SyntaxError: /Users/alui/src/forge/hello-world-app/src/index.jsx: Unexpected token (19:6)
  17 |     <Fragment>
  18 |       <Text>Number of comments on this page: {comments.length}</Text>
> 19 |       <Image
     |       ^
  20 |         src=""
  21 |         alt="homer"
  22 |       />
    at Object.raise (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7017:17)
    at Object.unexpected (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:8395:16)
    at Object.jsxParseIdentifier (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3894:12)
    at Object.jsxParseNamespacedName (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3904:23)
    at Object.jsxParseAttribute (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3988:22)
    at Object.jsxParseOpeningElementAfterName (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4009:28)
    at Object.jsxParseOpeningElementAfterName (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6459:18)
    at Object.jsxParseOpeningElementAt (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4002:17)
    at Object.jsxParseElementAt (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4034:33)
    at Object.jsxParseElementAt (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4050:32)
    at Object.jsxParseElement (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4108:17)
    at Object.parseExprAtom (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:4115:19)
    at Object.parseExprSubscripts (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:9259:23)
    at Object.parseMaybeUnary (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:9239:21)
    at Object.parseMaybeUnary (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6269:20)
    at Object.parseExprOps (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:9109:23)

Runtime errors: Returned for general runtime errors. For example, calling a method that does not exist or is not a method. These errors are shown in the app UI. A stack trace is included with the error message. For example: Runtime error example

  • Getting started: The getting started tutorials demonstrate how forge logs and forge tunnel are used in building an example app in Jira and Confluence.
  • UI kit components: This reference page describes the available UI kit components.
  • Debug functions using IntelliJ: This tutorial demonstrates debugging back-end Forge functions in Node.js with IntelliJ's debugger.
  • Debug functions using VSCode: This tutorial demonstrates debugging back-end Forge functions in Node.js with VS Code's debugger.

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