Support pages
Below is a list of the donation "support pages" hosted here on donatewiki. Red links are pages that don't exist yet, but we don't necessarily need all of these filling out. Note that we have a limited set of supported languages now. Adding any new languages should be discussed to see if we can actually support and maintain them (the old foundationwiki pages ended up with lots of very outdated pages).
Apart from the Thank You page, most pages use the templates {{Support Page}} and {{Support Page end}} for their basic styling and layout. They also load the javascript at MediaWiki:SupportPage.js (via a hook in MediaWiki:Common.js).
If you have an account here and are logged in, there will be links at the very bottom of each page to edit the current page, edit its template, or view this index.
If you spot any issues you can't fix yourself, please file a phabricator task tagged with or email pcoombe.