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Race Equity Culture Services

Race Equity Culture™ Services

We offer Awake to Woke to Work® working sessions, a Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ Cohort, partner trainings, and convenings designed to shift mindsets, practices and systems in the social sector to increase race equity and build a Race Equity Culture™.

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Two people sitting next to each other at conference. One is looking down and the other is looking at the unseen presenter. Other attendees are in the background.

Awake to Woke to Work®: Building a Race Equity Culture™ Open Enrollment Workshops

Once a month, we are offering virtual open enrollment workshops on building a Race Equity Culture™. The first module is training on the Race Equity Cycle® framework for organizational transformation and the second module is a deeper dive into operationalizing equity.


Two people sitting next to each other at conference. One is looking down and the other is looking at the unseen presenter. Other attendees are in the background.

Organizational Equity Cohort (OEC)

The Organizational Equity Cohort (OEC) will meet teams where they are in their equity journey and offer three critical resources: Community, Toolbox, and Learning While Doing. This cohort will not only help you put equity into practice in your organization, but will also help you develop a stronger strategic direction to navigate whatever lies ahead. Applications due November 1, 2024!


Two people sitting next to each other at conference. One is looking down and the other is looking at the unseen presenter. Other attendees are in the background.

Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ Cohort

In September 2023, EIC launched the first Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ Cohort designed to provide organizational teams with coaching and capacity building support as they complete the Race Equity Cycle Pulse Check™ and work to develop an action plan based on its findings. Interested in future cohorts? Sign up to receive information.

Group of people discussing. All are looking up towards person on far right who is standing up, speaking, and adjusting their glasses.

Building an Equity Container: Operationalizing Equity by Tending To Your Holding Environment

This workshop is for organizational leaders looking to build strong multiracial teams that excel at working through harm, tension and conflict as they seek to dismantle white supremacy.

Two people posing for photo at EiC conference. Both are wearing glasses and are smiling.

Land Back and Land Ack(nowledgment)

This virtual two-hour session will introduce participants to the history and significance of land acknowledgments and the Land Back movement. Open to all.

Two people posing for photo at EiC conference. Both are wearing glasses and are smiling.

Indian 101

Cultivate a foundation for standing in solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the U.S. as we all work together to dismantle longstanding systems of oppression. Open to all.

Three people sitting down at conference table presenting. Middle person has a microphone and person behind them is smiling

What Does It Mean to Be Black-Led?

An extensive guide on liberatory organizational management, Black leaders’ experiences, and their needs from supporters to thrive. Open to all.

Two people sitting down at conference looking into camera. Other attendees in the background.

Intersectional Allyship for Racial Justice: A Workshop for White Allies

What does it mean for white people to be effective allies to people of color in our work for racial equity and collective liberation?

The EIC Summit

The EIC Summit provides opportunities for leaders and organizations to increase capacity to drive race equity internally and across the sector.

May 2019 Convening

Equity In The Center stakeholders met for a one-day convening in Washington, DC with leaders and organizations to learn more about how to build a Race Equity Culture™.

Nov 2019 Pre-Convening

On November 12, 2019, Equity In The Center and Upswell attendees met in Chicago for a day-long, deep dive into how to build a Race Equity Culture™.