Physics On Stage

[Go to Physics On Stage Website]Physics is everywhere. The laws of physics govern the Universe, the Sun, the Earth and even our own lives. In today's rapidly developing society, we are becoming increasingly dependent on high technology — computers, transport, and communication are just some of the key areas that are the result of discoveries by scientists working in physics.

But how much do the citizens of Europe really know about physics? Here is a unique opportunity to learn more about this elusive subject!

Throughout the year 2000, three major European research organisations organised a unique Europe-wide programme to raise public awareness of physics and related sciences.

[Go to EWST Website]"Physics on Stage" was launched by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), with support from the European Union. Other partners includee the European Physical Society (EPS) and the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE).

This exciting programme formed an important part of the European Week for Science and Technology and culminated in a Science Festival during November 6–11, 2000, on the CERN premises at the French-Swiss border near Geneva.

More information about this programme

The central "Physics on Stage" webaddress is: Full information about the festival is available at the CERN webpage:

A report on "Physics On Stage" was published in a special issue of the EC 'RTD Info' news magazine about the European Science & Technology Week 2000.

ESO PR Video Clip 01/01 [160x120 pix MPEG-version]


ESO PR Video Clip 01/01
(3975 frames/2:39 min)

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ESO Video Clip 01/01 was issued on the web in January 2001 in conjunction with the release of an 18-min documentary video from the Science Festival at CERN.

Physics On Stage Video Trailer [160x120 pix MPEG-version]


Physics On Stage Video Trailer
(4450 frames/2:58 min)

[MPEG Video+Audio; 160x120 pix; 4.1Mb]
[MPEG Video+Audio; 320x240 pix; 10.2 Mb]
[RealMedia; streaming; 33kps]
[RealMedia; streaming; 200kps]

An earlier video clip (ESO Video Clip 03/00 ) provided a trailer for Physics On Stage. It conveys the message "Physics is everywhere" and includes statements by the Directors General of the three main partner organisations — CERN, ESA and ESO.

Physics On Stage was introduced via a Press Release, issued jointly by CERN , ESA and ESO on 1 March 2000, cf. ESO PR 04/00. This text is also available in French on the CERN website. Later, additional information was made available in ESO Press Release 21/00.

This programme was overseen by an International Steering Committee (ISC) that may be contacted via
Helen Wilson (Executive Coordinator)
European Space Research and Technology Centre
Office for Educational Outreach Activities
Keplerlaan 1
Postbus 299
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands

email: [email protected]
Telephone: +31-71-565- 5518
Fax: +31-71-565 5590

[Physics On Stage Links]

EU Homepage EAAE Homepage EPS Homepage Physics On Stage Homepage ESO Homepage ESA Homepage CERN Homepage

Physics is everywhere. The laws of physics govern the Universe, the Sun, the Earth and even our own lives. In today's rapidly developing society, we are becoming increasingly dependent on high technology - computers, transport, and communication are just some of the key areas that are the result of discoveries by scientists working in physics.
But how much do the citizens of Europe really know about physics? Here is a unique opportunity to learn more about this elusive subject!