The Fresh Eyes on Ice project is centered on data collection to:

Primary ice data of interest is simply ice thickness and how this changes over time on rivers and lakes including when if forms and melts or breaks up. Data is also collected about bedfast ice (when water bodies freeze solid to shallow lake- or river-beds), snow cover on ice, and ice conditions such as overflow. Using a combination of satellite remote sensing, in situ real-time sensors and cameras, and field measurements, along with historic records and sometimes models, we strive to represent ice conditions at relevant scales in time and space.

Real-Time Data

GLOBE Observer Most recent submissions

Web Photo Tool Most recent submissions

Citizen Science and Community-based Monitoring Data

Alaska Community Ice Observations - 2019-2022 (NSF dataset)

Citizen Scientists Ice Photos - 2019-2022 (Arctic Data Center)

Synoptic and Region-specific Datasets

Yukon and Tanana River Transect-based Snow and Ice Data - 2024 (Arctic Data Center)

Open-water Zones Remote Sensing and Field Data - 2017-2023 (Arctic Data Center)

River Ice and Open Water Extent from Satellite Imagery in the Copper River Basin (Arctic Data Center)

Floating Ice and Bedfast Ice Regimes across Arctic Alaska - 1992-2016 (Arctic Data Center)

GLOBE Land Cover Fresh Eyes on Ice photos 

2019-2022 River Ice Photo Archive (Real-time Camera Network)

Ice Data Portal

Ice Phenology Videos