- local Ubuntu 18.04.4 install, R 4.0.3
- local Ubuntu 20.04 install, R 4.0.3
- local Windows 10 install, R 4.0.3
- Ubuntu 16.04.6 (on travis-ci), R 4.0.0, R devel
- macOS 10.13.6 (on travis-ci), R 4.0.2
- Windows Server 2012 R2 (on AppVeyor), R 4.0.2 Patched
- win-builder (release, devel)
There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs, or NOTEs
There is one package that depends on Seurat: tidyseurat; this update does not impact its functionality
There are seven packages that imports Seurat: CDSeq, DUBStepR, rPanglaoDB, scMappR, Signac, SignacX, and SoupX; this update does not impact their functionality
There are nine packages that suggest Seurat: BisqueRNA, ClustAssess, clustree, conos, DIscBIO, dyngen, rliger, Rmagic, VAM; this update does not impact their functionality.