Below you'll find a list of the wonderful people and organizations that have made financial contributions to Aurelia. Please consider joining them in supporting open source by making your own contribution on Open Collective.
- AmVenture
- CodeFirst
- CreeperHost
- Datantify
- Diapason
- Effectory
- Exceptionless
- Fire Stick Tricks
- GiveMeDeals
- ihorizon Pty Ltd
- Merchise
- MonoVM
- Nordic Trustee
- Ormasoft
- Simployer
- Team Extension
- TrueVendor
- Vevida
- Virtual Private Servers
- Adam Żurański
- Alex Dresko
- Alexander Taran
- Allen Joslin
- Álvaro Domínguez López
- Ananth Subramanian
- Andrew Camilleri
- Arturo Martinez
- Ats Uiboupin
- Brandon Ryan
- Brandon Wittwer
- Carl Cubillas
- Christian Kotzbauer
- Christoph Noe
- CP Huo
- Daniel Kütt
- David Morris
- David Snell
- Dexter Haslem
- Dimitry Panchenko
- Dwayne Charrington
- Enrico Padovani
- Eric Edgar
- Erik Lieben
- Fabian Ituarte
- Fabio Chines
- George Breeze
- GuruGate
- Hosting Canada
- HostPresto
- Jack Ma
- John D'Amore
- Jon Carlson
- Jordan Ware
- Jorge Rodríguez Galán
- Jørgen Skogås
- Ju Zhao
- Juliën Hanssens
- Kenneth Moore
- Khuzema Kanore
- Leafdot s.r.o.
- Luka Cetina
- Marco Knol
- Matthew Corven
- Michael Lakerveld
- Nick Floyd
- Per K. Kummermo
- Prasan Kumar
- ProxyCrawl
- Red Feet
- Richard Sykora
- Robert B
- Robert Kling
- Saqib Rokadia
- Saravanan Velappan
- Sayan Pal
- Scott Criswell
- Sean Hunter
- Shannon Horn
- Steven Pena
- Taichi Shimizu
- Ted Chirvasiu
- Triplebyte
- Tyler Presley
- Unhype
- Veikko Eeva
- Vildan Softic
- weagle08