Critical is an open source project. It is licensed using the Apache Software License 2.0. We really appreciate pull requests and bug reports, here are our guidelines:
- If filing a bug report, please verify the issue is with Critical first. A good sanity check is: does the issue have to do with styles not being correctly captured? If so, test with Penthouse. If it works with Penthouse then it's a Critical bug and we encourage you to open up a new ticket with details. Does the bug have to do with inlining styles, general module failures or installation issues? Those are also possibly Critical bugs and we will strive to take a look at them.
- Working on a patch? File a bug at (if there isn’t one already). If your patch is going to be large it might be a good idea to get the discussion started early. We are happy to discuss it in a new issue beforehand.
- Make sure that patches provide justification for why they should be merged.