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PECOS for Sparse-to-Sparse Matrix Multiplication (SpMM)

Sparse-to-sparse Matrix Multiplication (SpMM) is one of the key primitives in large-scale linear algebra operations, with a broad range of applications in machine learning and natural language processing. For example, a graph convolution step on sparse input features involves a SpMM operation. Another usage of SpMM is the computation of PIFA features in eXtreme Multi-label Classification (XMC) community that aggregate sparse input TFIDF features associated with a label as its label embedding.

However, to the best of our knowledge, very few linear algebra libraries support SpMM with fast parallelism on CPU machines. Therefore, we enable PECOS with a highly optimized multi-core CPU implementation for the SpMM operation. See the Python API usage and Benchmarking Results for more details.

Requirements and Installation

To use PECOS SpMM functionality without comparing to baselines, just pip install libpecos.

    pip install libpecos

Python API Usage

Perform a CPU parallel SpMM operation of the sparse matrix X and the sparse matrix Y.

>>> from pecos.core import clib as pecos_clib
>>> Z = pecos_clib.sparse_matmul(X, Y, eliminate_zeros=False, sorted_indices=True, threads=-1)


  • X (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix or scipy.sparse.csc_matrix): the first sparse matrix to be multiplied.
  • Y (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix or scipy.sparse.csc_matrix): the second sparse matrix to be multiplied.
  • eliminate_zeros (bool, optional): if true, then eliminate (potential) zeros created by maxnnz in output matrix Z. Default is false.
  • sorted_indices (bool, optional): if true, then sort the Z.indices for the output matrix Z. Default is true.
  • threads (int, optional): The number of threads. Default -1 to use all CPU cores.

Toy Examples

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.sparse as smat
>>> from scipy.sparse import linalg
>>> from pecos.core import clib as pecos_clib
>>> X = smat.random(1000, 1000, density=0.01, format='csr', dtype=np.float32)
>>> Y = smat.random(1000, 1000, density=0.01, format='csr', dtype=np.float32)
>>> Z_true =
>>> Z_pred = pecos_clib.sparse_matmul(X, Y)
>>> print("||Z_true - Z_pred|| = ", linalg.norm(Z_true - Z_pred))

Benchmarking Results

We compare PECOS running time with a few popular linear algebra packages, including SciPy, Intel-MKL, Pytorch, and Tensorflow.

  • Intel-MKL: pip install sparse-dot-mkl==0.7.3 (Note that it requires MKL library, see link)
  • PECOS: pip install libpecos==0.1.0
  • Pytorch: pip install torch==1.9.0+cpu
  • Tensorflow: pip install tensorflow==2.5.0

All the experiment results are conducted on a AWS x1.32xlarge instance with 128 CPU and 1.9T memory. We note that Pytorch and Tensoflow results are from the same CPU machine without using any GPU.


We also provide the conda environment with the those libraries installed for you to reproduce the results

    conda env create -f conda_env.yml
    conda activate pecos-spmm

Problem Setup

We consider benchmarking the SpMM operation Z=(Y.T).dot(X), where

  • X is the sparse instance-to-feature TFIDF matrix of shape N by D
  • Y is the sparse instance-to-label relevant matrix of shape N by L

The input matrices are from public XMC benchmark datasets as follows.

Data Statistics

The XMC datasets can be download at

# eurlex-4k, wiki10-31k, amazoncat-13k, amazon-670k, wiki-500k, amazon-3m
tar -zxvf ./${DATASET}.tar.gz
Data N (#instance) D (#feature) L (#label) nnz(X) nnz(Y) nnz(Z)
eurlex-4k 15,449 186,104 3,956 4,194,123 82,265 6,126,348
wiki10-31k 14,146 101,938 30,938 9,526,572 263,705 72,574,211
amazoncat-13k 1,186,239 203,882 13,330 84,415,397 5,979,439 33,409,040
amazon-670k 490,449 135,909 670,091 37,119,040 2,674,356 146,741,011
wiki-500k 1,779,881 2,381,304 501,070 689,526,754 8,446,236 1,255,206,075
amazon-3m 1,717,899 337,067 2,812,281 84,600,285 61,916,857 1,375,859,565

From the following, we assume all ${DATASET} sub-folders are located at ./data/${DATASET}

Multi-thread Comparison

bash ${DATASET} multi-thread

Single-thread Comparison

bash ${DATASET} single-thread