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Starred repositories
AlessandraCaridi3 / CdT_2024
Forked from matildecmp/CdT_2024Progetto del corso di Codifica di Testi [a.a. 2023/24]
mytechnotalent / ollama-speaks
Forked from ollama/ollamaGet up and running with Llama 2 and other large language models locally with a speech mod.
Test repo for multi-arch distress images for use with exist-db
ILC4CLARIN Korp fcs reference endpoint implementation
evolvedbinary / exist
Forked from eXist-db/existeXist Native XML Database and Application Platform
icdp-digital-library / daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllati
Forked from italia/daf-ontologie-vocabolari-controllatiElenco di ontologie e vocabolari controllati. Per maggiori informazioni, si veda il readme principale e quello di singoli vocabolari/ontologie, ove presente, e la seguente documentazione
XQuery wrapper around the Stanford CoreNLP pipeline
datenkollektiv / spring-boot-exist-angular-todo-app
Forked from callicoder/spring-boot-mongodb-angular-todo-appA Sample App built using Spring Boot, Angular and eXist
densitydesign / raw
Forked from rawgraphs/rawgraphs-appThe missing link between spreadsheets and data visualization
CLI Setup for PrimeNG
EpiDoc / EFES
Forked from kcl-ddh/kilnEFES (EpiDoc Front End Services) is a custom and readily customizable platform for publication and search/indexing of EpiDoc files, based on the Kiln platform
machine learning and deep learning tutorials, articles and other resources
Weka package containing various natural language processing components.
angelodel80 / opengrok
Forked from oracle/opengrokOpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine, written in Java
biblissima / collatinus
Forked from PhVerkerk/Collatinus-11Sources of Collatinus software - Latin lemmatizer, morphological analyzer and scansion
angelodel80 / evt-viewer
Forked from evt-project/evt-viewerangularjs EVT2 project
PonteIneptique / arethusa
Forked from alpheios-project/arethusaArethusa: Annotation Environment
Capitains / cts_spec
Forked from cite-architecture/cts_specSpecification of the Canonical Text Services protocol (CTS)
bleierr / tei-pynotator
Forked from ttasovac/tei-pynotatorA set of tools to annotate TEI files using python