This tool was created to help change settings in bulk for multiple Elastic Disaster Recovery Service(DRS) Source Servers.
- Basic understanding of JSON formatting. Some of the fields that are editable, are presented in JSON format. If they are not formatted correctly, this could cause failures in the tool.
- Install Python 3. This tool was created and tested with Python 3.10.11 -
- Install pip -
- Install boto3 -
- Active Source Servers in AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Service
- Connectivity to the following endpoints for the API calls to succeed:
- drs.
<region> - kms.
<region> - iam.
<region> - ec2.
- drs.
- A configured AWS credentials file with an IAM user that has the appropriate permissions noted below:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
- Clone or download the desired file format locally on the computer in which you have the AWS credentials file configured, and ensure AWS Endpoint connectivity for API calls.
- Ensure you configured your AWS credentials file and are pointing to the correct region. For example, simply using the "aws configure" option with AWS CLI will work in setting both your credentials and region for the AWS API calls to be successful. -
- Run the "" file. This will create two files in the directory named "DRS_Settings.csv" and "DRS_Settings_DO_NOT_EDIT.csv". NOTE Everytime you would like to edit the settings, please ensure you generate the LATEST CSV's by running the "" file.
- Open the "DRS_Settings.csv" file in the CSV file editor of choice(Microsoft Excel for example), and make all the desired changes for each source server. NOTE It is important that you do NOT modify the "DRS_Settings_DO_NOT_EDIT.csv" file as we will use this as a comparison to limit AWS API calls being made for servers that have not been changed.
- Run the "" file to update the settings for all your Source Servers in DRS.
- A log will be generated in the directory named "DRS-Update-Tool.log", for troubleshooting purposes.
- Right Sizing
- Copy Private IP
True | False
- Copy Tags
True | False
- Launch Disposition
- Launch Into Instance
(For example, i-1234abcde567fg)
True | False
- Target Key Pair
(This is whatever the name of your Key Pair is)
- Target Instance Type
(For example, t2.medium)
- Target AMI ID
(For example, ami-123abc456def)
- Target Network Settings
- Notes:
- DeviceIndex: Do not change or edit this field.
- Adding additional network interfaces: Note that the EC2 launch template only supports two network interfaces. If you require more than two network interfaces, you will need to define them after the test or cutover instance has been launched. This can be done through a post-launch action
[ { 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': True|False, 'DeleteOnTermination': True|False, 'Description': 'string', 'DeviceIndex': 123, 'Groups': [ 'string', ], 'InterfaceType': 'string', 'Ipv6AddressCount': 123, 'Ipv6Addresses': [ { 'Ipv6Address': 'string' }, ], 'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string', 'PrivateIpAddress': 'string', 'PrivateIpAddresses': [ { 'Primary': True|False, 'PrivateIpAddress': 'string' }, ], 'SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount': 123, 'SubnetId': 'string', 'PrimaryIpv6': True|False, }, ]
- Notes:
- Target Disk Settings
- Notes:
- DeviceName: Do not change or edit this field
- VolumeSize: Do not change or edit this field
- Iops & Throughput: Set the number of I/O operations per second that the volume can support. You can select any number as long as it matches the EBS guidelines.
[ { 'DeviceName': 'string', 'Ebs': { 'Encrypted': True|False, 'DeleteOnTermination': True|False, 'Iops': 123, 'KmsKeyId': 'string', 'VolumeSize': 123, 'VolumeType': 'standard'|'io1'|'io2'|'gp2'|'sc1'|'st1'|'gp3', 'Throughput': 123 }, }, ]
- Notes:
- Target Instance Profile Role Name
(For exmaple, AmazonSSMRoleForInstancesQuickSetup)
- Target Instance Tags
[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ]
- Target Volume Tags
[ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ]
- Use Default Replication Security Group
True | False
- Auto Replicate New Disks
True | False
- Bandwidth Throttling
(Provide an integer value (Mbps))
- Create Public IP for Replication Server
True | False
- Use Private IP for Data Replication
- Default Large Staging Disk Type
GP2 | GP3 | ST1 | AUTO
- PIT Retention Setting(Days)
(Integer value between 1-365)
- Replication Server Instance Type
(For example, t2.medium)
- Staging Disk Settings
- Notes:
- DeviceName: Do not change or edit this field
- isBootDisk: Do not change or edit this field
- Iops & Throughput: Set the number of I/O operations per second that the volume can support. You can select any number as long as it matches the EBS guidelines.
[ { 'deviceName': 'string', 'iops': 123, 'isBootDisk': True|False, 'optimizedStagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD', 'stagingDiskType': 'AUTO'|'GP2'|'GP3'|'IO1'|'SC1'|'ST1'|'STANDARD', 'throughput': 123 }, ]
- Notes:
- Staging Disk Encryption
- Staging Disk Encryption Key Arn
(For example, arn:aws:kms:::key/mrk-abcd1234efgh5678ijkl9101112)
- Replication Server Security Groups
(For example, sg-123abc456def. If you have more than one, you can separate them with commas. For example, sg-123abc456def, sg-456abc789def)
- Staging Subnet
(For example, subnet-123abc456def)
- Use Dedicated Replicator
True | False
- Replication Tags
{ 'Key': 'Value', 'Key': 'Value' }
Author Tim Hall
Contributers Diego Valverde Pritam Bhalerao