Lambda Layers allow for updating of libraries/mobdules for Lambda quickly, without the efforts of creating a custom Lambda runtime. These bash scripts help automate the download of libraries/modules and optionally, upload the layer and associate with a Lambda function.
This is particularily helpful when adding AWS X-Ray SDK, latest versions of the AWS SDK or older/newer versions of other libraries/modules needed when troubleshooting or deploying functions for A/B type testing.
For more information on managing Lambda layers
If you wish the script to upload the Lambda layer and deploy the layer to a Lambda function you will need jq and zip.
AWSCLI will need to be installed and configured if you wish to upload layers and/or associate layers with Lambda functions.
Each runtime will need to have the relevant package manager installed. Details are in the relevant of each runtime.
The following User/Role IAM permissions are required in your AWS Account to upload the layer and associate the layer with a Lambda function:
- Layer Development and Use []
- This script does NOT assign resource policy's to the Lambda, you may need to consider adding permissions in certain scenarios. []
Each runtime has variences in how it is used - please check the README: python/ nodejs/
This script will use the credentials and region configured with the AWS CLI if available. If not, AWSCLI it will ask for an AWS access key and secret key.
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