Note: Starting with SSM Agent version 3.1.501.0. This solution is part of the ssm-cli a subset tool of the SSM Agent.
The SSMAgent-Toolkit for Windows is a set of PowerShell scripts developed to run multiple checks to determined why an Windows EC2 instance does not come online or not appearing under "Managed Instances" or "Fleet Manager" in the AWS Systems Manager console. The toolkit will go through the following workflow
PS C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit> Import-Module "$destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1";Invoke-SSMChecks -Table
Checking for elevated permissions...
Code is running as administrator - executing the script...
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5340080+00:00] [INFO] Logs directory exists - C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\logs\
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5340080+00:00] [INFO] Outputs directory exists - C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\Outputs\
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5497378+00:00] [INFO] Logs available at C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\logs\SSMCheck_2021-12-09-08-26-38.log
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5497378+00:00] [INFO] Outputs available at C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\Outputs\SSMCheck_2021-12-09-08-26-38.txt
Running all the tests can take a few minutes...
___ _ _______ _____ __ __ ___
/ | | / / ___/ / ___/__ _______/ /____ ____ ___ _____ / |/ /___ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____
/ /| | | /| / /\__ \ \__ \/ / / / ___/ __/ _ \/ __ __ \/ ___/ / /|_/ / __ / __ \/ __ / __ / _ \/ ___/
/ ___ | |/ |/ /___/ / ___/ / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / / / (__ ) / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
/_/ |_|__/|__//____/ /____/\__, /____/\__/\___/_/ /_/ /_/____/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\___/_/
/____/ /____/
Check Value Note
----- ----- ----
Windows sysprep image state complete Pass Image state is IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE. This is the desired state
Amazon SSM agent service running Pass amazonssmagent service is in Running state. This is the desired state
Amazon SSM service account LocalSystem This is the recommended account to use
Amazon SSM service startup mode Auto This is the recommended startup mode to use
Managed(hybrid) Instance Registration Pass ManagedInstanceID = mi-abcdef01234567890, Region = us-east-1
EC2 instance metadata accessible Skip This test skipped since this server configured as Managed(hybrid) Instance
IAM instance profile Skip This test skipped since this server configured as Managed(hybrid) Instance
IAM profile credential valid Skip This test skipped since this server configured as Managed(hybrid) Instance
LocalSystem account user API assume role arn:aws:sts::012345678901:assumed-role/AmazonEC2RunCommandRoleForManagedInstances/mi-abcdef01234567890 The role and the instance in the ARN should match the metadata\hybrid registration accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is
SSM Agent Proxy Setting N/A There is no proxy setting for SSM Agent
System-wide environment variable proxy N/A There is no http_proxy, https_proxy or no_proxy configured
LocalSystem account user environment variable proxy N/A There is no http_proxy, https_proxy or no_proxy configured
WinHTTP system-wide proxy N/A There is no ProxyServer(s) configured for WinHTTP system-wide proxy
LocalSystem account user Internet Explorer proxy N/A There is no ProxyServer configured
SSMAgent version Pass The install and the latest agent version in us-east-1 is 3.1.501.0
Session Manager Plugin version Pass The install and the latest Session Manager Plugin version is
PS C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit> Import-Module "$destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1";Invoke-SSMChecks -Table
Checking for elevated permissions...
Code is running as administrator - executing the script...
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5340080+00:00] [INFO] Logs directory exists - C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\logs\
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5340080+00:00] [INFO] Outputs directory exists - C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\Outputs\
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5497378+00:00] [INFO] Logs available at C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\logs\SSMCheck_2021-12-09-08-26-38.log
[2021-12-09T20:26:38.5497378+00:00] [INFO] Outputs available at C:\SSMAgent-Toolkit\Outputs\SSMCheck_2021-12-09-08-26-38.txt
Running all the tests can take a few minutes...
___ _ _______ _____ __ __ ___
/ | | / / ___/ / ___/__ _______/ /____ ____ ___ _____ / |/ /___ _____ ____ _____ ____ _____
/ /| | | /| / /\__ \ \__ \/ / / / ___/ __/ _ \/ __ __ \/ ___/ / /|_/ / __ / __ \/ __ / __ / _ \/ ___/
/ ___ | |/ |/ /___/ / ___/ / /_/ (__ ) /_/ __/ / / / / (__ ) / / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
/_/ |_|__/|__//____/ /____/\__, /____/\__/\___/_/ /_/ /_/____/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\___/_/
/____/ /____/
Check Value Note
----- ----- ----
Windows sysprep image state complete Pass Image state is IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE. This is the desired state
Amazon SSM agent service running Pass amazonssmagent service is in Running state. This is the desired state
Amazon SSM service account LocalSystem This is the recommended account to use
Amazon SSM service startup mode Auto This is the recommended startup mode to use
Managed(hybrid) Instance Registration Skip The instance is not configured as Managed(hybrid) Instance. Metadata will be used to get the InstanceId and Region
EC2 instance metadata accessible Pass EC2 InstanceID = i-abcdef01234567890, Region = us-east-1
IAM instance profile SSMInstanceProfile IAM instance profile SSMInstanceProfile is attached to the instance
IAM profile credential valid Pass IAM instance profile`'s credential is up to date. IAM credential Expiration timestamp is 10/01/2021 18:26:44.
The Last update is 10/01/2021 12:17:17 UTC
LocalSystem account user API assume role arn:aws:sts::012345678901:assumed-role/SSMInstanceProfile/i-abcdef01234567890 The role and the instance in the ARN should match the metadata\hybrid registration accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is accessible Pass Endpoint IP address is
SSM Agent Proxy Setting N/A There is no proxy setting for SSM Agent
System-wide environment variable proxy N/A There is no http_proxy, https_proxy or no_proxy configured
LocalSystem account user environment variable proxy N/A There is no http_proxy, https_proxy or no_proxy configured
WinHTTP system-wide proxy N/A There is no ProxyServer(s) configured for WinHTTP system-wide proxy
LocalSystem account user Internet Explorer proxy N/A There is no ProxyServer configured
SSMAgent version Pass The install and the latest agent version in us-east-1 is 3.1.501.0
Session Manager Plugin version Pass The install and the latest Session Manager Plugin version is
Simply download the ZIP file included in this package and extract. Run the one of the followings as administrator in PowerShell.
Import-Module .\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1;Invoke-SSMChecks
Import-Module .\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1;Invoke-SSMChecks -Table
Import-Module .\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1;Invoke-SSMChecks -GridView
Or run the following sample code as an administrator in PowerShel to download the ZIP file included in this package, extract and execute the toolkit.
#SSMAgent-Toolkit-Windows -
$uri = ''
$destination = (Get-Location).Path
if ((Test-Path -Path "$destination\" -PathType Leaf) -or (Test-Path -Path "$destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit")) {
write-host "File $destination\ or folder $destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit found, exiting"
else {
# Enable TLS 1.2 for this PowerShell session only.
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webClient.DownloadFile($uri, "$destination\")
Write-host ""
Expand-Archive -Path "$destination\" -DestinationPath "$destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit"
Write-host "Extracting complete successfully"
Import-Module "$destination\SSMAgent-Toolkit\SSMAgent-Toolkit.psm1"; Invoke-SSMChecks -Table
No Prerequisites is required
No installation is required on Windows systems.
PowerShell 5.1
- Ali Alzand
- Thanks to Taka Matsumoto and Adam Creech for your contribution.