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Releases: ayamir/nvimdots


26 Mar 13:51
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This release contains only bug fixes and performance optimizations. Namely:

  • Functional change: the mapping for cmp.close was changed from <C-e> to <C-w>.
  • Updated lua's @variable.builtin highlight group for catppuccin. (From fg = to fg = cp.flamingo)
  • After 08743e6, neovim would load treesitter only when necessary resources are available (via vim.schedule_wrap)
  • Fixed a shadowed runtime error in Windows install script.
  • Fixed a bug where <Tab> still calls LuaSnip outside of a snippet. (#588)

Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for minor fixes.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1


05 Mar 15:42
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  • IMPORTANT As requested in #500 and implemented in #513 and #525, efm has now been replaced by null-ls. Please follow the steps below to complete your migration:
    1. If you are using the default settings, just make sure your provider is listed here.
    2. If you want to customize any providers, please read null-ls's docs first, and then add your entries here (following upstream's specifications). If your entry items are long, just require a config file. clang_format is provided as an example.
    3. You may disable some server compatibilities in settings.lua.
  • IMPORTANT Now all lsps require config files to perform non-default initialization. These files must match the name of the server (e.g., clangd <---> clangd.lua) and must be placed under lua/modules/configs/completion/servers/. The contents of those files could remain unchanged. Returning a function having opts as a parameter is also accepted to overwrite default options. See clangd.lua for an example.
  • Now you may set default servers/providers in settings.lua. We will install those servers for you during bootstrap and initialize them when appropriate.
  • As requested in #328, you may now use nvim ~/.config/nvim/dots.tutor to learn this config's basic usage interactively in neovim.
  • The FormatterToggle command is renamed to FormatterToggleFt. :FormatToggle will disable lsp formatting in the current buffer, while :FormatterToggleFt will disable lsp formatting for specific filetypes.
  • Several settings entries were added. Please refer to settings.lua for more information.
  • Most windows can be closed directly by pressing q. See #505/files for supported filetypes.
  • Five new plugins have been added to the base configuration:
  • We now support passing parameters to the go debugger. See #545 for implementation detail.

Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for minor fixes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0


10 Feb 11:42
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  • clangd's --query-driver option is auto-completed by querying your PATH. Please add the compiler you need to your $PATH environment variable.
  • Mapping lua callbacks is now supported.
    • All keymaps have been rewritten using native lua
  • legendary.nvim is deprecated. Please use Telescope keymaps instead. Keymap (<C-p>) remains unchanged.
  • nvim-comment was replaced by Comment.nvim.
  • nvim-ts-rainbow was migrated to a maintained fork.
  • crates.nvim is now available in the base config. View all available keymaps in the wiki!
    • Note: This plugin is only available inside Cargo.toml
  • The keymap folder is also restructured! You can start migrating your keymaps or simply leave them as they are. They won't break the config in most occasions.
  • Most plugins' lazy-load events have been replaced by { "CursorHold", "CursorHoldI" }. This could improve startup time, but a defect is it will cause external measuring tools to calculate the startup time incorrectly. See #502 for detail.
    • Note: Please do NOT set updatetime to above 500, otherwise most plugins may not function correctly

Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for minor fixes.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0


06 Feb 09:02
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Sorry to issue two releases in such a short interval, but we must update the major version as it introduces backward-incompatible changes.
We have completely reimplemented the project structure from scratch aiming to make the config clearer and easier to maintain. Refer to the 'SUMMARY' section for detailed instructions.

If you have problems migrating your configuration, feel free to open an issue at any time


Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for minor fixes.

To complete your custom config migration, please follow the below steps:

X. For both situations

  • Please read through Wiki: Usage#structure and Wiki: Usage#how-to-customize to see how to customize plugins under the new structure. Changes all occur inside the modules folder.

  • If you make changes to the configs of default plugins, use a diff-viewer (diffmerge is recommended) to compare your contents with those in 47b3f72. Next, directly replace the entire function with your configs in the corresponding plugin's setup file configs/<scope>/<plugin-name>.lua OR directly require the config you have in the custom folder.

A. If you have customized plugins in the user directory:

B. If you add custom plugins directly after the default list:

  • Sort out your custom plugins list and extract configs (functions) one by one. Then follow Wiki: Usage#add-a-new-plugin to migrate your plugins.

Several notes if you experience config breakages

  1. lua/modules/configs is now in the search path of require. So instead of requiring modules.configs.completion.lsp you should use completion.lsp instead.
  2. The tools folder was renamed to tool
  3. modules/ui/icons.lua was moved to modules/utils/icons.lua. You need to update lua calls.
  4. The my-snippets folder was renamed to snips
  5. Debuggers and language servers now have their own config files. Specify them at the bottom of configs/tool/dap/init.lua and at mason_lspconfig.setup_handlers in configs/completion/lsp.lua.
  6. Some plugins have their default location changed:
- completion  
	- not thing to change  
- editor  
	- neoscroll -> ui  
	- smartyank -> tool  
	- specs -> ui  
	- toggleterm -> tool  
	- dap -> tool  
	- vim-im-select -> tool
	- fugitive -> tool
- lang  
	- not thing to change  
- tool  
	- not thing to change
- ui  
	- nvim-tree -> tool 

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0


31 Jan 08:27
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This is our first stable release πŸŽ‰ This version supports nvim v0.8.* (New features from nvim v0.9 are not yet supported.)

Changes brought till this release would require a manual cleanup. Refer to the 'SUMMARY' section for detailed instructions.


  1. The package manager is now lazy.nvim. To remove old packer.nvim cache, delete the following folder manually (This path is the same on all platforms):
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack
  1. There's a new interactive bootstrapper for Windows! Windows users can invoke this script to automatically install missing dependencies and set required options. Even if you have installed nvimdots before, we still recommend you to execute this install script to ensure that everything works properly.
    Note: This script REQUIRES powershell > v7.1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. We now support editing big files. This feature has been tested with ~25 MiB json file and ~183 MiB plain text file.
  2. README has been rewritten!
  3. Minor fixes. Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for more information.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc1...v1.0.0


27 Jan 15:20
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v1.0.0-rc1 Pre-release

With the gradual progress of package manager migration (#425), we will begin publishing releases regularly to better track and query changes that have occurred over time!