The following should be allowable inputs:
- Valid VCF. Should accept both a full VCF (9 cols + samples) and a genotype free VCF with just the 8 columns
COLUMN | Description |
1 | #CHROM |
2 | POS |
3 | ID |
4 | REF |
5 | ALT |
6 | QUAL |
7 | FILTER |
8 | INFO |
- TCGA MAF (see TCGA spec)
A fully formed valid VCF file with the following FORMAT fields:
FIELD | Description |
DP | Total depth |
RD | Depth matching reference (REF) allele |
AD | Depth matching alternate (ALT) allele |
VF | Variant frequency (AD/DP) |
DPP | Depth on postitive strand |
DPN | Depth on negative strand |
RDP | Reference depth on postitive strand |
RDN | Reference depth on negative strand |
ADP | Alternate depth on postitive strand |
ADN | Alternate depth on negative strand |
Use the following default filters for the Phase I tests:
- MAPQ >= 20
- BASEQ >= 0
- Count improper pair (proper pair filter OFF)
- Do not count duplicates (duplicate filter ON)
- Count secondary alignments (secondary alignment filter OFF)
Use this VCF for counting:
Programs should work on both and give the same output.
Use these BAMs in:
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_A2_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_ACC18_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_AMB4_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_AMB5_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_ASCM4_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_ASCM6_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_ASCM9_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_BR1_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_DS_bkm_087_N.bam
- Proj_WES_Blacklist_v1_indelRealigned_recal_s_DS_bkm_099_N.bam
The following file has these paths for easy use: